Pearl Harbor Write On Grade 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Pearl Harbor Write On Grade 5

Learner Expectation Content Standard: 5.0 History History involves people, events, and issues. Students will evaluate evidence to develop comparative and casual analyses, and to interpret primary sources. They will construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions in contemporary life can be based. 5.09 Understand America’s role during World War II.

In this activity you will: Learn about the events that led up to Pearl Harbor Discover the response from the U.S. to the attack. Write a paragraph with four facts learned from this presentation.

Japan Moves into China Japan has become friends with Germany, but a problem for the United States, as the U.S. tries to stop Japan from moving into China’s territory.

Japan moves into Chinese territory.

Japan’s Representatives The U.S. ended trade with Japan. Japan sent a group of representatives to meet with the U.S. in Washington D.C. to discuss the problem.

November, 1941 Japan sends its forces to sea, headed for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Japan Strikes Play actual News Bulletin On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Japanese strike the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor.

December 7, 1941 Many of the U.S. military were asleep in their barracks or on ships.

Japan Attacks (taken from Japanese aircraft)

The memorial on the site of the sunken U.S.S. Arizona

U.S.S. Pennsylvania

December 7, 1941 Over 2,000 Americans were killed in the attacks which came in two waves.

December 7, 1941 After the attack the United States declared war on Japan. Listen to President Roosevelt’s Speech To Congress

World War II WWII lasted almost four more years. Several hundred thousand more people died in the war.

Atomic Bomb The war ended after the U.S. dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan.

Atomic Bomb 150,000 Japanese were killed in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombing.

Write a paragraph with four facts learned from this presentation. Writing Activity Write a paragraph with four facts learned from this presentation.

Sources National Geographic: Remembering Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor Facts Live video feed from Pearl Harbor. (Requires RealPlayer with G2.) Pearl Harbor Remembered