Business Functional Areas Klarissa Sadler Business Functional Areas
Business Functional Areas Human Resources Finance Research & development Operations Marketing and sales Administrations & IT support Customer service
Human resources Recruitment Thorpe park hire staff to work for them. They do this by advertising on their website and then setting up an interview and then picking the best out of them all. Retention Thorpe park make it fun for their staff so they have fun whilst working Eg. Giving them discount cards so friends and family of the worker can get cheaper tickets. dismissal: Thorpe park could fire staff for being late all the time, being rude to customers, smoking on site or just not doing their job. Working conditions: Thorpe park make staff sign a contract so they get what they deserve and making sure employee’s are happy and getting what they deserve like sick pay, holidays, wages, hours of work, maternity ect. Training, development and promotion: Thorpe park staff are sent on a training course before they start their job to make sure they are hiring the right person for the job. development Thorpe park have meetings once a week or so, so they can discuss things that are going on and update the workers for information that they need to know. promotion: Thorpe park will give you higher position in your job if they feel you are doing well at it and think you could get more out of what they can offer. Employee organisations and unions: Thorpe park have a head of each group and they will meet up and make sure ever thing is running okay and the workers are happy with what is happening. Healthy and safety: Thorpe park have to make sure the area and conditions are safe for workers and customers in case of an emergency.
Human resources – training Ad-hoc Training Team Building First Aid at Work Seasonal Team Leader Time Management Briefing Workshops Train the Trainer Communication Workshops Motivate to Retain Workshops Thrilling Service Workshops (Refresher on customer service) All the training that is carried out at THORPE PARK is done with the individual, their team, the business and our guests in mind.
Production Ordering (often buying) stocks of raw materials from approved suppliers. Thorpe park buy the materials and suppliers which they need to help run their business. Storing and checking the store of raw materials. Thorpe park get new materials and it is stored so all their materials are together while a person checks everything to make sure everything is okay and working properly. Planning production schedules to maximise machine capacity and staff levels. Thorpe park plan what time staff start and make sure there is enough staff to do what is needed . They also make sure all products are ready and plan things which they think can help the park. Producing or assembling the finished product. Thorpe park make sure that they have new rides and all finished products are working. Checking production is on schedule and resolving delays or problems. Thorpe Park Making sure everything is working and any deliveries come on time. Checking the quality of the production throughout the production process. Thorpe park check to make sure everything is working correctly. Packing and storing the final products before distribution Thorpe park only make things that they are going to use or sell inside the shop. Scheduling routine machinery inspections and maintenance. Thorpe park check to make sure everything running smoothly and fixing it if there is a problem. Carrying out repairs to machinery and equipment as required. Thorpe park make sure they repair equipment and machinery.
Finance Concerned with money and future plan. Knowing how much money the business has so they make plans for the future. Thorpe park will get together and make decisions on what they feel is going well and what will pay Thorpe park a lot of money. Shelagh looks after the purchase ledger and makes sure that all the suppliers invoices are loaded on to a accounting system. Authorised by the right people and paid on time. She also makes sure that Thorpe park as a business gets paid and that it also pays the bills. Preparing accounts, eg. Invoices, management, accounts, financial accounts for share holders and inland revenue. Something thing the business will send you when want to be paid, how much the business loss. Profit and revenue they do, Work out your tax for the government. Thorpe park has to pay a large amount of money to the government and they have to keep a record so the know exactly how much they have paid. Roger controls the sole leaders, he makes sure that their trade clients and that they pay them what they are owned. Preparing wages and salaries. Obtaining capital and resources, eg. Money for expansion or to pay for resources such as equipment and materials. Thorpe park will buy equipment and resources that they will need.
Marketing and sales Carry out market research to obtain feedback on potential and existing products and/or services Using a survey to find out what you like and dislike about that park to help them improve. Analysing market research responses and advising senior mangers of result and implications go to the manger to make a change on what Thorpe park thinks will help improve the park. Promoting products and services through a variety of promotional methods eg. TV, radio, online, press, direct mail, sponsorship, trade shows, exhibitions Doing advertising eg. TV, radio, exhibitions, posters and online. Obtaining and updating a profile of existing customers to target advertising and promotions appropriately Take your personal details so they can contact you with adverts and offers. Producing and distributing publicity materials, such as catalogues and brochures - Make a leaflet/brochures and send/give them out. Designing, updating and promoting the company website Design/make the website and making sure it looks good. Organising sale promotions Thorpe park gives you offers for example five pounds off next visit. Responding to customer enquiries Answering customer questions or worries they might have Selling the product over the phone, online or face to face. Thorpe park offer sales and sell items over the phone, on their website or to peoples faces. Preparing quotations and estimates for customers Thorpe park will get a price before you actually go to Thorpe park so you can get an estimated price of what you will have to pay during the day.
Marketing- the 4p’s Product: To help recognition – If a customer recognises a brand they will trust and buy that product eg. Saw, stealth, shock wave, storm force 10 and others. To make the product different – Thorpe park has a brand to help attract “thrill seekers. To create brand loyalty – If people go to Thorpe park and enjoy it they are more likely to go back. To develop a brand image – People go to Thorpe park for the thrilling rides, this is a brand they have created. Price: Competition based pricing – Thorpe park is influenced by rivals when setting prices (eg. Chessington, Alton towers and many others) The price is set to be similar to avoid a price war against other organisations. Market orientated pricing - Thorpe park look at what is going on in the market when they look at their prices. It looks at what customers are willing to pay at certain times and in certain situations . Eg. OAP, family and group pricing. Peak and off peak pricing - For school trips only Thorpe park offer peak and off peak pricing. Peak – higher prices when the park is busy. Off peak – lower prices to encourage more people. Discounts – Thorpe park offer discounts on their normal prices eg. Large groups, students, OAP’s, schools. This makes Thorpe park appeal to many customers. Special offers – Products are offered at some special low prices, this encourages the sale of the product.
The 4 P’s Place: Thorpe park is located on the outskirts of south west London close to junction 12 of M25. The location has many benefits to Thorpe park: Large workforce available Large customer based good transport links ( road, air, train) area to expand if needed Promotion : Advertising: This involves the publishing, displaying or broadcasting of information about products and services. It is one of the most common promotional techniques. Examples: TV, radio, posters, newspaper, internet, magazines, public transport. Direct marketing: Involves sending information direct to peoples homes. 1. Direct mail – sending letters to people through the post. 2. Telemarketing – direct selling over the phone. Public relations: Thorpe park wants a good image with the public. They give media information that is then portrayed by the public. This can be TV, newspaper both local and national. Personal Selling: Thorpe park uses personal selling at special events, it is selling face to face. Example: fright night - selling masks and glow sticks. Sales promotions: used to encourage people to buy products, aim to give a short boost in sales. Money off vouchers discounts competitions PR promotions combination offers ( Thorpe park and Anchor Butter)
Research and development The initial stage involves looking at the current and future needs of both customers and suppliers - getting their feedback, asking for their views and perhaps carrying out independent market research. Thorpe park does this by running online surveys on their website to see what their customers think they should do about something . Potential modifications to your product or service and assess whether such changes are realistic – Thorpe park consider to develop things like Development and future planning, Lockers, Site maintenance excluding the ride areas, New land construction, Landscape construction and maintenance, Community relationship. New products or services and assess whether they would be commercially viable- making sure each ride is safe and making sure that people enjoy it. Improvements to business processes that will benefit customers – lockers, rides and areas around rides, the landscape and the way it looks , build land because its on an island, they must also look at things they can improve things that it already does, like food serving, queuing, customer service and ride safety etc…
Administration Collecting, distribution and dispatching the mail – Thorpe park will have a department that will handle sending out letters, replying to letters and sorting out letters into categories. Storing and retrieving paper and electronic records – Thorpe park will have a department where they will keep data to things that are important such as dates they got rides, when they broke down and more so that they can run a scheduled check on them. Organising meetings and preparing meeting documents – Thorpe park will have to arrange meetings so the heads of each department can update and answer any queries they might have. Responding promptly to enquiries – Thorpe park will have to reply to many thing like invoices, bills and just general mail. Preparing documents using words processing, spreadsheet and presentation packages, such as PowerPoint - Mangers will have you use word for important reminds, use spreadsheets for calculations and PowerPoint's for school trips or staff meetings. Researching information – Thorpe park will have to research things like new rides and if they can afford to and if there is enough room in the park. Sending and receiving messages by telephone, fax and email - Thorpe park use telephones, fax, emails to get information to other staff or people that need it. Making arrangements for visitors - Thorpe park make arrangements for people, schools ect. To go to the park. Making travel arrangements - Thorpe park help make travel arrangements so people can get to the park Purchasing supplies of office stationery and equipment - Thorpe park office will but equipment to last them. They use for staff, meetings, rides and other stuff. Making arrangements for events, such as interviews or sale conferences - Thorpe park don’t really sell outside the park they use their website to get out message to people.
Customer services Answering customer enquiries about products and services – Thorpe park have an information office where people can go and ask questions if they need help or have any worries. Providing specialist information and advice to meet customers needs – Thorpe park have boards inside the park that show maps, where first aid kits are, where toilets , information desks ect. Solving customer problems – Thorpe park have an office where people can go and seek advice. Providing after-sales service, including replacing damaged goods, arranging for repairs or for spare parts to be obtaining and fitted – Thorpe park buy tings they need yearly but if they start to run low they have to order them from a company and wait fir them to deliver. They have people at the park who can repair parts so it will be repaired as soon as possible. Dealing with customer complaints according to company procedures – Thorpe park deal with peoples complaints but if it is too personal they have no choice but to escort them out of the park. Analysing records of customer complaint to resolve problem areas – Thorpe park keep records of complaints and have a team to try and prevent these this from happening again such as long queues, lost property or loud noise for people who live around the park. Using customer feedback to improve customer service and satisfaction - Thorpe park will keep a record of the complaints and make notes of how they resolved it so that they can use them as help for the future.