Group 1 Yang Aohan, Maija Leino, Hasta Tamang, Arvind Solanki, Nikki Shrestha
Core problem: Sustainable use of energy from the available local energy resources Conventional practice: use of forest timber for fuel wood Resulted: Forest resource depletion+ natural disaster like landslides degrading soil quality y for agriculture. Uncertainty in available energy sources for the availability of the fuel wood So what could be the available resources for the fulfillment of energy supply at the household level? Footer
Project Area: Footer S. N. Name of VDC W ar d no. Name of plantaion site Elevat ion GPS Location 1 Sunaulab azaar 9 School Danda 1065 m N 27° 53' 21.5'' GPS Location E084 ° 55' 15.8'' 2Nilkantha7Simle1183mN 27° 55' 10.6'' E084 ° 58' 01.7'' 3Nilkantha4 Ahale Chhiring CFUG 975m N 27° 55' 05.0'' E084 ° 55' 57.5'' 4Maidi4 Gaikhure Pakha 1115mN 27° 53' 45.4'' E084 ° 47' 49.1'' 5Nalang6Thulo Ban652mN 27° 53' 24.0'' E084 ° 51' 18.7'' 6Jogimara1Chhatiwan Pakha 556mN 27° 48' 23.3''E084 ° 41' 27.8''
The Project Area Description Covers 23 Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) of 8 Village Development Committee (VDC). VDCs have an important role in the decision making of the villages 4200 households with average 5 family members(approx: people) Electricity availability is challenging Conventional wood stoves still widely in use for cooking We have chosen energy issues as the main theme of this project work Footer
Mechanism of working Footer
LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS Village development committee (VDC) CFUG plus working group Group members+ people Footer
Technologies used Solar power Biogas+ biomass Wind energy Micro hydropower ICS (Improved cooking stoves) Footer
Solar Power Solar Photovoltaic 1 panel about 5ft X 3 ft provides anywhere between 130 – 150 W peak 1 bulb = 26 kWh per month 1 refrigerator = 182kWh per month Solar thermal with biogas cogeneration Footer
Solar village Footer
Wind Power Advantages of Wind Power: Reliable, Durable and simple to operate. No consumable fuel required. Wind, the only source. Pollution free and therefore environment friendly. Spare parts service readily available from 100W to 400W Low operation and maintenance cost. It is possible to get 120kWh of electricity/month with a single 6 kW wind turbine. Footer
Wind Power Wind Site Selection Identified potential wind sites through field surveys. Enough space for installation of systems and potentiality of demonstration effects Village without electricity and no possibility of grid electricity connection for coming 5 years Footer
Type of off-grind hydro power in Nepal Mini-hydro (100 kW - 1MW) o (5KW-100KW) Pico-hydro (up to 5 KW) including water mill Micro hydro(5KW to 100 KW) power required=4200*90=378 kW, assuming 90 watt/HH
Technology and added value Solar: electricity Wind: electricity Biogas: cooking and waste management Micro hydro power: electricity Waste burning: electricity and waste management Money from selling electricity, micro grids? Some examples Potential of wind: for a 3kW wind turbine it is 120 kW/ month Solar : 1 panel about 5ft X 3 ft provides anywhere between 130 – 150 W peak Most likely a combination of different technologies will be the best! Good experiences from biogas and micro hydro plants Footer
Biogas Feed used from kitchen waste, animal waste and human excreta(optional) Only CDM project in Nepal Sufficient production of gas for a family of 5. Footer
Improved Cooking Stove Less smoke production Consumes less wood Reduce women work load Improve indoor environment and Health Footer
Kiitos !! Thank you !! Footer