Afghanistan Environmental problem
War Effects on environment By: Ahmadullah AhmadzaiInternational Islamic University, Islamabad
Migration Afghanistan has faced nearly 30 years of unfettered resource exploitation, even prior to the most recent war. This has led to a collapse of government systems and has displaced millions of people, all of which has led to the degradation of the country’s habitat like animal, plant, or other organism on a vast scale
Internal migrants
External migrants
Forests have been ravaged to provide short-term energy and building supplies for refugees. Many of the country’s arid grasslands have also been overgrazed and wildlife killed.
Other 1990 (ha) 1,309,000 Other 2000 (ha) 1,015,000 Other 2005 (ha) 867,000 Annual Change (ha | %) (29,400)-2.25% Annual Change (ha | %) (29,600)-2.92% Total Change (ha | %) (442,000)-33.77%
Effect on Land The effect on the war has had on the land has been the thing that has affected people and animals in the worst way possible.
heavy military vehicles that are used kick up the dust that has been mixed with toxins from the warfare, causing air pollution and respiratory problems to people.
Infrastructure Collapse Among the first and most vulnerable targets of attack in a military campaign are the enemy's roads, bridges, utilities and other infrastructure.
Wildlife endanger The population of animals in Afghanistan is of course being negatively affected by the war Explosives, such as missiles, bombs, and mines, decrease the animal population.
Bombing affects the migration of birds. Many different types of birds migrate through Afghanistan, but during the war, bombs have either killed the birds directly or caused them to DE route from their normal migratory course. At least 33 animals just in Afghanistan are on the endangered species list.