Minimum of 30 font size and maximum of 3 lines title By IWMI Irrigated agriculture value chains interventions
Irrigated agriculture value chain interventions 1.Production 2.Supply of inputs and services 3.WUAs = the water service suppliers 4.Post harvest handling, processing and marketing
1. Production 1.Locally adapted improved fruits and vegetables varieties - Inventory by agro-ecological zones - Test, demonstration and dissemination 2. Market oriented sustainable cropping systems - Cropping patterns and crop rotation - planning - Crop – livestock integration - On-farm water management - Integrated pests & diseases control - Specialization (i.e. seeds; irrigated livestock) - Farm economic management - Organic farming ???
2. Supply of inputs and services 1.On-farm seeds and seedlings multiplication (including forage), community nurseries. 2.District level cooperatives or private shops selling seeds, agro chemicals, sprayers 3.Enterprises selling irrigation pumps, spare parts and after sales services, technical guidance on selection, O&M of pumps. 4.Credit 5.Regulatory bodies: control of agro-chemicals quality; seeds seedling and nurseries registration and certification; pumps standardization; food safety.
3. WUAs 1. Governance ( = social management) - By-laws and internal rules and regulations - Decision making and communication process - Conflict resolution 2. O&M (= technical management) - Planning, implementing and monitoring water distribution and maintenance 3. Administrative and financial management - Assessment and collection of the irrigation service fee - Budgeting and book keeping - (Employees)
4. Processing &marketing interventions 1.Bulking of production : coops and marketing groups 2.Create linkages including contract farming 3.Storage, grading, packaging 4.Fruit processing : canning, juice (issue of scale)
5. Knowledge and CB interventions Training of farmers and experts: 1.Seeds and seedlings multiplication 2.Irrigated farming technologies and best practices 3.Integrated pests & diseases control 4.Economic management of farms 5.Irrigation pumps (selection, O&M) 6.Assessment of irrigation schemes Capacity building of WUAs, cooperatives & marketing groups Establish fruits & vegetables platforms, stakeholders forum
4. Commodities by zones
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