Membership Committee 2017 Annual Meeting November 8, 2017 Anti Trust – signed at registration desk, make sure to abide by them. Brian will you take notes?
Introductions Name Company Councils you participate in If someone made a movie of your life, what type of movie would it be? Drama Comedy Romantic Comedy Action Science Fiction Anyone new to the committee?
Agenda Approve Minutes from 10-19 call Background of Membership Committee Open Liaison positions Debrief on First Time Attendee Lunch/Meet & Greet Upcoming webinar dates Linked In Questions Prior Action Items New Member Stats Discuss 2018 meeting Dates Review Charter Discussion on Engagement Set Goals for 2018
Background of Membership Committee This committee promotes and expands the use of eBusiness in agriculture by ensuring continued, strategic membership growth of AgGateway. We work to attract and retain new members that come both from existing industry segments (where AgGateway is already at work), as well as in new industry segments. Through the use of education and mentoring, we encourage new members to participate in AgGateway as soon as possible after joining, and to position them to benefit from implementing AgGateway standards, guidelines and enabling services. The committee works with the AgGateway Operational Board and each council on annual membership goals, and provides support to councils to achieve those goals. This is a little off point but pretty close to what we do.
2017 Accomplishments New leadership Webinars Mentor Training Social Media Group Postings
Liaisons Denice Foster, EFC Systems (Chair & Seed) Shane Synder, BarCoding, Inc. (APC) Brian Sokoloski Kahler Automation (ARC) Open (CPC) Open (CNC) Rich Adams, Key Cooperative (GFC) Michael Smith (PAC) Nick Reichel, XS, Inc. (SCC) Deborah Thomas, AgData, (SCC) Sarah Novak, AFIA (GFC) Currently have opening for both the Crop Nutrition and The Crop Protection councils. Marilyn, has we found any good souls to fill those positions? Brian I believe this also covers topic # 12.
First Time Attendee Lunch New Member Meet and Greet Debrief First Time Attendee Lunch New Member Meet and Greet Great Participation! Really loved the blue labels to identify folks and enjoyed.
Upcoming Dates Orientation: 25 Jan 2018 - 2 pm ET/ 1 pm CT/ noon MT/ 11 am PT 24 Apr 2018 - 2 pm ET/ 1 pm CT/ noon MT/ 11 am PT Mentor Training: 10 Apr 2018 - 2 pm ET/ 1 pm CT/ noon MT/ 11 am PT
Questions for new few months? Any feedback to report from councils? LinkedIn Questions Questions for new few months? Any feedback to report from councils?
Member Statistics 2017 Membership Update as of 11/08/17 New members: 12 Total cancellations: 30 Total Terminations: 12 Acquired: 0 Total membership: 191
3rd Thursday of every month 2018 Meeting Dates Decide on Frequency 3rd Thursday of every month Jan, March, May, June – MYM, August, Oct, Nov- Annual Meeting. 3rd Thursday of every month? 10 am central
Review Charter Have a task force selected to review & update the charter by 1/2018 meeting This work would need to be towards end of November/beginning of December. Flip to the Wiki and open the charter.
What are vehicles/programs to enable it? Engagement What is Engagement? What are vehicles/programs to enable it? Marilyn to take the reins
Determine the committee goals for 2018 Marilyn to take the reins
New Business? What topics need to be added to the next call?
Action Item Review Brian please review the action items you noted today.
Thank you and Safe Travels!