About Your Moderator Over 20 years’ building Return on Investment in People High tech companies from 2500 to 300,000, including GE, Samsung and AMD Expertise in employer branding, recruiting, and hiring STAR talent Results-focused, having improved time-to-hire, headcount delivery, hiring manager satisfaction and candidate experience metrics. Runs StarHR, full service, global talent consulting and recruiting firm in Austin Published the STAR Career Workbook, a cost-effective solution for job seekers in career transition Published STAR Hiring to help you navigate and WIN the recruiting war in a competitive market. Offers the STAR Hiring Workshop as a companion program to this book. Dan Medlin 512-750-6740 (mobile) dan.medlin.starhr@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/danmedlin http://danmedlin.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AustinStarHR
Diversity and Inclusion If your company has set a goal to increase diversity through recruitment: This is not about reverse discrimination or unfairly treating any of your other candidates. This is not about lowering the bar or compromising on the quality of the talent you hire. This is about increasing diversity at your company, thereby leading to greater productivity and innovation The market for the best under-represented talent is very competitive, so you must aim to get more than your fair share! This will not happen overnight – but the critical time is NOW - and everyone has a role to play… Excerpts from The STAR Hiring Workshop Dan Medlin StarHR Austin, TX
Diversity and Inclusion How diversity can drive innovation: - Harvard Business Review Companies with more diversity out-innovate and out-perform others. 31% better responsiveness to customers 45% likelier to report market share growth 70% likelier to report capturing a new market 83% more likelier to report better innovation How diversity can improve problem-solving: - National Academy of Science Diverse problem solvers can outperform high-ability problem solvers. If groups have equal ability, functionally diverse groups outperform homogeneous groups. Diverse work teams are the most productive and profitable: - Forbes For every 1% increase in the rates of gender and cultural diversity, there is a 3% rise in sales and a 9% rise in revenue Overall, these companies saw a whopping 41% revenue gain! Excerpts from The STAR Hiring Workshop Dan Medlin StarHR Austin, TX
Review of Unconscious Bias Individual strategies to address unconscious bias Bias is a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another. Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. We are “hard-wired” to make unconscious decisions about others based on what feels safe, likeable, valuable, and competent. Self-awareness Understand the nature of bias Have discussions with others Assess and change Develop concrete, objective indicators for hiring, evaluation, and promotion Use structured interviews and objective evaluations when hiring Adapt your interviewing and management style to be more welcoming and flexible Excerpts from the STAR Hiring Workshop – Dan Medlin – StarHR – Austin, TX
Review of Micro-Aggressions We send subtle messages through our body language, word choice and behavior. Microaggressions are brief verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative biases. Listen for and stop the micro-aggressions on your team Insure they do not appear in your interviews. Excerpts from the STAR Hiring Workshop – Dan Medlin – StarHR – Austin, TX
Diversity in your attraction strategy Tackling our language and approach toward candidates which limit diverse applicants Job Descriptions Sourcing Strategies Address your language and approach toward candidates which limit diverse applicants ALL applicants want to know: Why is the role open? Why should I want this job? What are my goals? What do I need to have to get an interview? Women and some minorities may not apply to jobs with long lists of requirements “Gendered” or racially biased language WILL always detract women and minorities. Check for gender and age-focused language. Check for racially biased language. Check your Images and Photos for your Ads Broaden your search to well-known sites Advertise and connect on mediums specifically for under-represented populations… professional associations, alumni groups, networking groups, conferences, etc. Ask for referrals from your existing diverse staff Open your perspective to candidates outside of your industry, normal network, typical schools, etc. Consider alternative skills that would benefit your team. Excerpts from the STAR Hiring Workshop – Dan Medlin – StarHR – Austin, TX
Diversity in your Interviews How to design a more inclusive interview process Stack your shortlist with under-represented candidates – the data proves you need this. Design your interview based on job requirements, nothing more Ask every candidate the same questions, and evaluate them equally Select your interview team carefully, and include a diverse slate of interviewers Eliminate Bias – Train your interviewers! Include all of the interviewers in the evaluation process and stick to the pre-defined criteria It’s NOT an interrogation! Be welcoming Designate one key interviewer to discuss the company and team culture Every interviewer should allow time for candidate questions Be open and honest about your experience working at your company Excerpts from the STAR Hiring Workshop – Dan Medlin – StarHR – Austin, TX