Coordinator MPC for maximization of plant throughput Elvira Marie B. Aske*&, Stig Strand& and Sigurd Skogestad* *Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway &Statoil R&D, Process Control, Trondheim, Norway
Outline Introduction Modes of optimal operation Maximum throughput Bottleneck Implementation of maximum flow Coordinator MPC Case study Improvements
How manipulate feeds and crossovers? Case Study: Statoil/Gassco Gas Plant Motivation for coordinator MPC: Plant development over 20 years How manipulate feeds and crossovers? To understand the use of the coordinator MPC better, we will show development of a large gas processing plant in Norway. This plant has been extended several times. The plant has 3 different feeds and more than 10 crossovers. How to manipulate on the feeds and crossover to obtain maximum throughput for this plant? 1985 1993 2000 2003 2005
Control hierarchy Conventional real-time optimization Regulatory control layer (PID, FF,..) Stationary optimization (RTO) Planning Supervisory control (e.g. MPC) Control hierarchy Conventional real-time optimization (RTO) offers a direct method of maximizing an economic objective function Identifies optimal active constraints and optimal setpoints Challenge: Implement optimal solution in real plant with dynamic changes and uncertainty Special case considered here (very important and common in practice): Maximize throughput Real-time optimization (RTO) is the traditional way to optimize a plant. Based on rigorous, stationary models. These are often expensive to develop and time consuming to solve, but they gives the active constraints and optimal set points. Can we solve the optimization problem in an easier way? We consider a special case – maximize production. This is a common mode of optimization. A challenge is to implement the optimal solution in a real plant (special case or not). Collecting data from the process, calculating and sending out new optimal setpoint can take hours the new setpoint may not be optimal anymore.
Depending on marked conditions: Two main modes of optimal operation Mode I. Given throughput (“nominal case”) Given feed or product rate “Maximize efficiency”: Unconstrained optimum (“trade-off”) that may require RTO Mode II. Max/Optimum throughput Throughput is a degree of freedom + good product prices IIa) Maximum throughput Increase throughput until constraints give infeasible operation Do not need RTO if we can identify active constraints (bottleneck!) IIb) Optimized throughput Increase throughput until further increase is uneconomical Unconstrained optimum (with low efficiency...) that may require RTO Operation/control: Traditionally: Focus on mode I But: Mode IIa is where we really can make “extra” money!
Maximum throughput in networks Operation research community: max-flow min-cut theorem (Ford (1962)): Maximum flow through the network is equal to the minimum capacity for all cuts Assumption: The mass flow through the network is represented by a set of units with linear flow connections Maximum throughput achieved by maximizing the flow through the bottleneck Maximum throughput closely related to the problem of maximum flow in networks considered in the operation research community From there we have the max-flow min-cut theorem: maximum flow through the network is equal to the minimum capacity for all cuts. To apply network theory to process engineering systems: - unit with a single product is an arc - flow splits and flow junctions are nodes - unit with several products (for example distillation column) is a combination of an arc and a node, but usually al limited DOFs to adjust the split because of product constraints Make one assumption to apply network theory: the mass flow through the network is represented by a set of units with linear flow connections. One solution to avoid these sources of nonlinearity is to treat certain combinations of units (like reactor-recycle systems) as a single combined unit as seen from the maximum throughput point of view. Then from the max-flow min-cut theorem we can derive that maximum throughput achieved by maximizing the flow through the bottleneck This leads to two issues find the bottleneck Implement maximum throughput at the bottleneck.
Maximum throughput requires tight control of the bottleneck unit Definition: a unit is a bottleneck if maximum throughput is obtained by operating this unit at maximum flow If the flow for some time is not at its maximum through the bottleneck, then this loss can never be recovered Maximum throughput requires tight control of the bottleneck unit Maximum flow is the maximum feed rate that the unit can accept subject to achieving feasible operation. From the bottleneck definition the unit has now available capacity left when the unit its a bottleneck. In some cases the bottleneck can not be located to a specific unit, but rather to a system of units (“system bottleneck”) Example system bottleneck: Reactor-separator-recycle case. If the flow its not at its maximum for some time in the bottleneck, then this loss can never be recovered. For control purposes this require tight control of the bottleneck unit There are actually two cases: Identify the bottleneck(s) Implement maximum throughput at the bottleneck
Bottlenecks in plant Max-flow min-cut Examples on where the bottlenecks can be placed in a plant and where the minimum cut will be (illustrates max-flow min-cut theorem).
Throughput manipulator (TPM) Some background on inventory control. Inventory control deals with how the mass balance is maintained in the plant. First, a definition: Throughput manipulator (TPM): The TPM is the degree of freedom used to set the throughput in the primary process path (from the major feed to the major products) Buckley and Price, Lyman and Georgakis points out three basic schemes for inventory control TPM at feed, inventory control in direction of flow TPM at product, inventory control in direction opposite to flow TPM inside plant, radiating inventory control Direction of inventory control is due to self-consistency, which is that the flow is maintained through the plant by use of the inventory loops only. Buckley (1964). Techniques of Process Control Price, Lyman and Georgakis (1994). Throughput manipulation in plantwide control structures. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 33, 1197–1207.
Rules for achieving max throughput Maximize flow through bottleneck at all times Use TPM* for control of bottleneck unit Locate TPM to achieve tight control at bottleneck Back off: usually needed to ensure feasibility dynamically yset point Time ymax ymeasure Back off How to control the bottleneck? Use TPM for control of the bottleneck unit. This follows because TPM is a DOF for throughput, which should be maximized. However, some back off is needed to ensure feasibility dynamically due to disturbances etc. Back off gives loss, and therefore important to reduce the back off *TPM = throughput manipulator
Implementation of maximum flow Bottleneck fixed*: Single-loop control sufficient: Use TPM to control bottleneck unit Best result (minimize back-off) if TPM permanently is moved to bottleneck unit Bottleneck moves: Need to find bottleneck Keep maximum flow at bottleneck, but avoid reassigning loops Proposed solution: Coordinator MPC Estimate of remaining capacity in each unit is obtained from local MPCs Coordinator MPC manipulate TPMs and crossovers to maximize flow through bottlenecks FC Two different approaches, depending on if the bottlenecks moves or not: Bottleneck fixed at a unit: single-loop control sufficient. Has been discussed in literature, e.g. Skogestad “Control structure design for complete chemical plants” If the bottleneck moves, then reassigning loops are probably unavoidable if we want to obtain optimal operation. However, reassigning loops are undesired. A better approach is to use a multivariable controller (for example MPC). Here we can use the local MPCs to estimate the remaining feed capacity in each unit, whereas the coordinator MPC is used to manipulate on the TPMs (usually feeds) and crossovers inside the plant. This is our focus in our case study max *Skogestad (2004) Control structure design for complete chemical plants Comp. Chem. Eng 28 p. 219-234
Coordinator MPC Feeds and crossovers as manipulated variables affects throughput in each unit Local MPCs Provide available capacity in each unit Decomposition Local MPCs work as before Coordinator uses extra DOFs Advantages: dynamic fast execution It is an ”ordinary” MPC. Coordinator monitor the local MPCs, here by the remaining feed capacity measure. Coordinator MPC can realized maximum throughput: done by plant throughput as a CV with a high, not reachable set point Take decisions involving several MPCs. Uses feed and crossovers to realized maximum throughput. The local MPCs and the coordinator could be collected in one large MPC. But it will lead to a complex MPC which would be difficult to understand and maintained. By using remaining feed capacity, we decompose the problem. The coordinator MPC executes much faster than an RTO (in the case study we used 3 minutes, whereas the local MPCs executed every minute).
Identify bottleneck Use RTO based on a detailed steady-state model of the plant Better: use local MPC to calculate remaining feed capacity in each unit! Remaining feed capacity for unit k: Jk – present feed to unit k Jk,max – max feed to unit k within feasible operation, Obtained by solving “extra” steady-state LP problem in each local MPC: Jk,max = max (Jk) subject to: satisfying existing CV& MV constraints + models in local MPC (At least) two different ways to identify the bottlenecks 0. Increase feed to the plant can not achieve feasible operation (seldom allowed in practice.....) 1. Use a steady state model of the plant needs a model may not be accurate (disturbances etc) 2. Dynamic calculations. Use local MPC to calculate. MPC is a common tool in industry today and more or less a necessity when implementing optimal plant operation. Our suggestion is to slightly extend the steady state calculations in the local MPC with an estimate of the remaining feed capacity models already available constraints available (CVs and MVs) use end prediction values of MVs and CVs in the calculations to include past MV moves and disturbances back off can be included in the calculations to avoid loss of control (that is, the coordinator sees a smaller capacity than it actually exist) not as exact as rigorous models, however, the estimate tends to be better when operating closer to the bottleneck, and this is the important thing here.
Coordinator MPC Degrees of freedom (MVs,u): feeds (TPMs) and crossovers. Outputs (CVs, y): Remaining capacities in all units Maximize throughput: Use “standard MPC” to solve LP problem: max (throughput) subject to: 1. y > 0 + back off 2. umin < u < umax 3. Δumin < Δu < Δumax 4. Dynamic model from feeds and crossovers (u) to capacities (y) u Model for train 100 u1 = crossover fra bunn etantårn (Note: get MORE capacity in 100-train because this is a crossover) u2 = føde train 100 u3 = fødesplitt fra DPCU (lik u2 her pga. lik fødesammensetning) y1= etantårn y2 = propantårn y3 = butantårn (c4/c5): Why overshoot. Not clear (Elvira) y4 = butansplitter y Step response models for columns in 100-train
Case study: Gas processing plant Simulation study based on detailed dynamic model Case: maximize throughput We have done a case study of the plant displayed on the previous slide. A dynamic simulator (D-SPICE) is available We considered parts of the gas processing plant - avoid large simulation time. The whole simulator uses 20 computers to simulate Case: maximum throughput Our case consist of two fractionation trains, T-100 and T-300, both have a deethanizer, depropanizer, debutanizer and a butane splitter. In addition T-300 has two stabilizers in parallel. There are two separate train feeds, a liquid stream from a dew point control unit (DPCU) that is divided between the two trains, and a crossover. The five streams are MVs in the coordinator MPC and indicated by valves in the figure
Coordinator MPC MVs (u): CVs (y): Feed to train 100 and 300 Feed split from DPCU Crossover from T100 to T300 CVs (y): Remaining feed capacity for each column (10 units) Sump level in ET-100 (to avoid loosing control due to crossover) Total plant feed (“trick” to use QP-MPC: high unreachable set point) The coordinator MPC and all the local MPCs are implemented in SEPTIC. SEPTIC stands for Statoil Estimation and Prediction Tool for Identification and Control, which is an in-house developed MPC The local MPCs are implemented in the same way as in the plant The coordinator MPC is set up with MVs, indicated with blue valves in the figure: Feed to train 100 and 300 Feed split from DPCU Crossover from T100 to T300 The CVs in the coordinator is: Remaining feed capacity for each column (10 units) Sump level controller output in ET-100 (avoid to loose control due to crossover) Total plant feed (high, unreachable set point with lower priority) The priority of the CVs make the coordinator maximum throughput, since the capacity limits have high priority and the total plant feed as ha lower priority The coordinator is demonstrated with tree different cases. First, we turn the coordinator MPC on and the coordinator moves the plant from an unconstrained operation to a constrained operation Then a feed composition change is introduced in one of the train feed. This is a common disturbance at the real plant, and comes suddenly because of the plug-flow in pipelines. In the plant the gas chromatographs have a delay which makes them unsuitable for control. Therefore any feed forward from the feed composition is not included in the case study either. Then there is implemented a change in a local MPC, that is, in the butane splitter in T100. At this time, the column is a bottleneck and an operator reduces the high limit in the top product impurity, which leads to a reduction in remaining feed capacity. The for both the local MPCs and the coordinator MPC are found by step-tests in the simulator.
Feeds and crossovers (u, MVs) Complete set of Step response models in the coordinator Available capacity (y, CVs) All step response models in the coordinator
Simulations: t=0: move the plant to maximum throughput t=360 min: feed composition change in T100 t=600 min: change in CV high limit in butane splitter T100 MPC (reducing the remaining feed capacity which is already operated at its maximum)
Simulation results: CVs (available capacity) So, lets take a look at the results. The controlled variables in the coordinator. Here the remaining feed capacity for each column is displayed, together with the sump level controller output and the total plant feed. T=0 min: ET100 and Stab1&2 bottlenecks at the optimal operation point. BS300 bottleneck in the beginning, but the coordinator uses crossover to reroute, unload the BS300. T=360 min: In the composition change, the ethane content in the feed is reduced whereas the butane content are increased. The composition change gives ET100 more capacity, hence the T100 feed can be increased even more. The BT100 reaches the bottleneck due to the feed composition change and the feed increase. The coordinator uses the crossover to keep BST100 within its capacity. T=600 min: change in BST100 quality high limit (local MPC), gives less capacity in a column which is already operating at maximum. The propane column in T300 and its downstream columns have some available capacity, however butane splitter in T300 also meets constraints, so the plant feed must be reduced some. However, the feed reduction is less than if the crossover had not been used.
Simulation results: MVs (feeds and crossovers) Train feed Feed split Crossover First case: Feeds are increased Crossover used to unload BST300 Second case: Less ethane in T100 feed, ET100 can receive more feed Higher butane content, crossover used to unload BS100 this time Third case: Reduction in BS100 capacity (operator actions-higher demands on product purity) Have to reduce feed and uses crossover to unload BS100 until BS300 can’t take any more Conclusions/experience from case study: Maximum throughput realized by a total plant feed as a CV with a high, unreachable set point with lower priority Uses crossover to exploit columns with capacity Important that the local MPC is well tuned for the operation region Reached ”new” limitations in the local MPC as the feed was increased (typical: maximum boilup). Needed to be considered in the local MPC to obtain more correct capacity measurements. ”Correct” limitations are important for the estimate of the actual capacity Feed composition should be included as a DV in the coordinator. Here only corrected by feedback.
Improvements (further work): Reduce back-off Use inventories (buffer tanks) as additional MVs in the coordinator MV closer to bottleneck: reduce back-off Improve estimate of remaining feed capacity column pressure drop not always a good indicator. More detailed column capacity model? Include feed forward, e.g from feed composition Composition measurements at the pipelines into the plant The main potential for improvement is to reduce back off. In the case study there are back off on the MVs in the local MPCs to avoid saturation (loss of control and strongly nonlinear) There are back of on remaining feed capacity measure in the coordinator MPC. That is remaining capacity > back off > 0 First, we can include inventories as additional MVs in the coordinator. In the case study we have considered conventional inventory control, that is feed valves as TPM. Hence, we may get a “long” loop from the TPM to the bottleneck unit. We can obtain a faster loop if we include dynamic degrees of freedom Second, as experienced in the case study, feed composition changes should be included as feed forward. Large impact on the maximum throughput, and should avoid to do all the correction by feedback. Third, using column pressure drop is not always a good indicator for its capacity. At least not for tray columns and at least not in practice. Other column capacity measure to consider? Not directly back off reduction: Flow changes in relative (%) changes most of steady state gains in the models = 1 E.M.B. Aske and S. Skogestad, “Coordinator MPC with focus on maximizing throughput”, Proceedings PSE-ESCAPE’07, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 2007
Conclusion Often: Optimal operation = max. throughput Usually: Max. throughput = max. through bottleneck max-flow min-cut theorem Fixed bottleneck: Single-loop control Moving bottleneck: Propose coordinator-MPC where local MPCs estimate remaining capacity Simulations promising Implementation planned in 2007 May later include inventories as dynamic degrees of freedom