Windows Server 2019 Petter Haavin, KIA 26.11.2018
Lansering og versjonering Andre halvdel 2018 To utgaver; Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSB) Desktop experience Server Core Semi Annual Channel (SAC) / «as a service» Nano Server (for kontainere) Standard og Datacenter As described in this topic, you will receive new versions twice a year, with 18 months of mainstream production support per release. You get it through volume licensing, Azure, or Visual Studio Subscription Services. Currently, releases in the Semi-Annual Channel require volume licensing and Software Assurance if you intend to run the product in production. Windows Server 2019 will have licensing similar to the current Windows Server 2016 product. However, Chapple indicated that "it is highly likely we will increase pricing for Windows Server Client Access Licensing (CAL)" with Windows Server 2019. Microsoft charges licensing costs for the ability to connect to Windows Server, which are called "CALs." Check more information on how to license Windows Server 2016 today in the Windows Server Pricing page. It is highly likely we will increase pricing for Windows Server Client Access Licensing (CAL). We will provide more details when available. 26.11.2018
Lansering og versjonering Windows Server 2016 = sikkerhet Windows Server 2019 = hybrid (hybrid cloud) Sannsynligvis høyere lisenskostnad 26.11.2018
Nyheter Fortsetter fokus på sikkerhet Windows Defender ATP Shielded VM støtte for Linux Encrypted Network in SDN Honolulu Windows Admin Center inn – Server Manager ut? Rollen Remote Desktop Session Host (Terminal Server) er borte Programkiosk, Wjump, etc. Utvider muligheter for Azure Backup, Azure File Sync, disaster recovery i kombinasjon med Honolulu Enterprise-grade hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) There's currently support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Ubuntu Linux. Shielded Virtual Machines is a security feature that prevents IT personnel from copying VM files and stealing information. There also will be a new Encrypted Networks feature that will let organizations "encrypt network segments" and "protect the network layer between servers." It automatically encrypts VM to VM traffic to prevent snooping. 26.11.2018
Nyheter Reduserer Server Core fra 5GB til ~1,7GB Windows subsystem for linux OpenSSH, Curl & Tar med mer System Center 2019 Storage Migration Service (SMS) Kubernetes (beta) - SAC In-place upgrade fra 2012R2 og 2016 Microsoft is also improving the "compute, storage and networking components of a Kubernetes cluster" in Windows Server 2019. Kubernetes is an open source cluster container management solution fostered by Google. The improved Kubernetes support, though, is currently at the beta stage. Windows Server 2019 introduces the Storage Migration Service (SMS), a new role included in Windows Server Standard and Datacenter editions. SMS is a job-based orchestration and proxy that: Allows administrators to inventory existing servers for their data, security, and network settings. Migrates that data, security, and network settings to a new, modern target by using the SMB protocol. Takes over the identity of the old server completely, while decommissioning the original source, in such a way that users and applications are unaffected and unaware that migration has taken place. SMS provides orchestrated workflow with a Honolulu-based graphical management system, allowing scalable migrations of many servers simultaneously to new targets running on premises or in Azure. 26.11.2018
Nyheter Windows Defender ATP krever Azure Application Control (Applocker) med maler Advanced Threat Protection Windows Defender ATP Exploit Guard Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Network protection Controlled folder access Exploit protection (tidligere EMET) ATP krever Azure Failover Cluster removing use of NTLM authentication Application Control (Applocker) kom i 2016. Nå med maler for enklere prodsetting. ATP ASR Network protection – Controlled folder access – Blokkerer ting man ikke stoler på 26.11.2018
Windows Server 26.11.2018
Veien videre IT-sikkerhet har godkjent Windows Server 2019 for testing i Sendt bestilling til virt-core Windows Server Build 17623 Basistesting: Nxlog, Nivlheim, Sccm, Sysmon, Zabbix + flere. Forsvinner GPO baselines? GSD 26.11.2018