Disarming Diabetes
Explosion of new cases Double within 25 years 300 million people
What is Diabetes?
Type II 90% of all diabetics
Not insulin shortage Insulin blockage
Type I 5-10% of all diabetics
Insulin dependent
How does diabetes work?
Glucose – the fuel of the body
What are the warning signs? Excessive thirst Excessive urination Excessive appetite
1/2 don’t know
Complications Eye problems Kidney damage Heart disease and stroke
2 to 4 times
Sexual impotence Ulcerative sores Infections Amputations Breast and uterine cancers
What causes non-insulin dependent diabetes?
Pima Indians
Western diet and lifestyle
Heredity is not destiny
What is the problem?
Obesity and excess fat
Too many calories and too little exercise
How to Disarm Diabetes
Eat a low fat diet
Eat a high fiber diet
Exercise regularly
Achieve a healthy weight
Worldwide epidemic of obesity
Obesity Rates Over 15%
Permanent lifestyle change
Low-fat plant based diet
“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions “A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” Proverbs 27:12