This is Henry and Lulu
Henry and Lulu are Atheists Their family does not go to church. They do not believe in any god. They believe in being kind, honest, and helpful to people and animals. And they believe in two theories: The Big Bang and Evolution.
The Big Bang Theory Over 14 billion years ago, there was a huge explosion in outer space. Heat and energy happened and the earth was formed. Life slowly began developing.
The Theory of Evolution The idea that living things were first on our planet, Earth, since over 3 billion years ago. And that over time, animals, reptiles, and insects change.
This is Mark, Amy, and Susan
They are Christians Their families go to churches. Mark and Amy are Catholic and go to a Catholic church. Susan is Baptist and goes to a different church. They believe in God and Jesus.
God An invisible being that looks over everything. Heaven is in the sky and it is where Christians pray to when they talk to God.
Jesus Son of God. Long ago, people believed he could perform miracles, like magic, curing sick people. He wanted to see that people could be forgiven for their mistakes.
Church Churches are all different. Church is a place Christians go to pray to God and Jesus. Their symbol is the cross. Some people have babies blessed at church. And get married at church.
This is Milli
She is Hindu Her family goes to a temple. They believe in many, many gods. And they do not believe in heaven. The cow is a sacred, or special, animal.
Cow Hindus do not eat beef and hamburgers because cows are sacred.
This is Dil and Pursa
They are Muslim Their family goes to a mosque. And their religion is called Islam. They believe in a god. They pray 5 times a day. Sometimes they fast, which means they do not eat all day, until dark.
Mosque This is a mosque in the state of Michigan. Many Americans are Muslims.
This is Abraham
He is Jewish His family goes to a synagogue. They believe in a god. They do not believe in Jesus. He is learning to speak Hebrew.
Synagogue This is where Jewish people go to pray. Their symbol is a star.
This is Sam, June, and Finn
They are Pantheists Their families believe that god is part of nature. A tree is god, a rock is god, the sun is god. They feel very connected to the universe. They do not believe in Jesus.
Nature Pantheists may hike a trail along a river or up a mountain, where they feel god connected to nature around them.
This is Koju
He is Buddhist His family prays in front of a shrine in a temple, or at home. They do not believe in god. They do not believe in Jesus. They practice patience, love, and kindness.
Temple Many Buddhists live and pray here in the mountains on the other side of the world. Some Americans are Buddhist.
There are many different books that people read about their beliefs.