St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre IB-MYP Info night St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre
IB-MYP Programme Belief: “The programme was devised to help students develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to participate actively and responsibly in a changing and increasingly interrelated world. This implies a “living curriculum” one that calls for more than “knowing”: it involves reflective thinking, both critical and creative, about ideas and behaviours. It includes problem solving and analysis, clarification and discussion of personal beliefs and standards on which decisions are made. It also leads to critical thinking and action.” History of the Middle Years Document; pgs. 25-26
PYP – MYP: Similarities: Virtues Learner Profile Monthly focus Monthly focus Report Card Focus Programmes felt disjointed – looked for a common thread between them all starting in the late 90’s but not actualized until 2005 with the intro of the Learner Profile Attributes . . . Which leads us to PYP – MYP what’s the same and what’s different
PYP – MYP: Similarities: PYP Action Cycle MYP Action Cycle Inquiry model moves to a more sophisticated approach. The pic on MYP side is a sample – not a definite process that must be followed.
PYP – MYP: Differences: Six Transdisciplinary Themes One Homeroom Teacher Individual Subjects Influence Themes Not based on set themes Six Global Contexts Specialized Teachers
PYP – MYP: Differences: Transdisciplinary Skills Approaches to Learning
PYP – MYP: Differences: Global Contexts Statement of Inquiry Key Concepts (16 - subject dependent) Related Concepts (subject dependent) Inquiry Questions Objectives (4 + more) Approaches to Learning (144) Grades renamed: Year 1, 2, 3 Transdisciplinary Themes Central Idea Key Concepts (8) Lines of Inquiry Transdisciplinary Skills (5)
Making it all Happen: Mr. Stesky – Mathematics, Music, Dance Ms. Maier – Social & Environmental Studies (Yr. 1), Geography (Yr. 2 & 3), History (Yr. 2 & 3), Visual Arts, Drama, Religious Education and Family Life Ms. Marchesan – Language and Literature, Physical Education (all) & Health (Yr. 2) Ms. Martins – French as a Second Language, Science and Technology, Design, Health (Yr. 3) Mr. Kelenc – Program Coordinator, Yr. 3 Project Lead, Health (Yr. 1)
Making it all Happen: Rotary Program: Day divided into: Three 80 minute blocks + one 40 minute block for FSL MYP students will see each teacher every day Homeroom assignments: Year 1: Ms. Marchesan Year 2: Ms. Maier Year 3: Mr. Stesky
Assessment & Evaluation Practices: “The assessment criteria are challenging and more aligned to activities will have to employ in their future careers. Not many jobs entail passing exams on a regular basis. However, they do require people to put together reports, presentations, and 3D designs and collaborate with others. These are the skills the MYP assesses.” History of the Middle Years Document; Pg. 34. Quote: Webster: 2008:5
Assessment & Evaluation Practices: Ontario Achievement Level International Baccalaureate Achievement Letter Grade Equivalence Percent Grade Equivalence 4+ 8 A+ 95 – 100 % 4 7 A 90 – 94 % 6 85 – 89 % 4- 5 A- 80 – 84 % 3+ B+ 77 – 79 % 3 B 73 – 76 % 3- B- 70 – 72 % 2+ C+ 67 – 69 % 2 C 63 – 66 % 2 - C- 60 – 62 % 1+ D+ 57 – 59 % 1 D 53 – 56 % 1- D- 50 – 52 % R < 50 % The IB scale for reporting purposes is an 8 point scale ROUGH equivalency chart:
Assessment & Evaluation Practices: IB Level 7 - 8 High quality work Innovative Extensive understanding of concepts Consistently Demonstrates sophisticated critical thinking Creative Independent Transfers knowledge and skills IB Level 5 – 6 Generally high-quality work Some innovation Confident Good to excellent understanding of concepts Shows critical thinking Creative Uses knowledge and skills Frequently Independent
Assessment & Evaluation Practices: IB Level 3 - 4 Acceptable to good quality Basic understanding of concepts Few misunderstandings Some critical or creative thinking Some flexibility Requires some support IB Level 1 – 2 Limited quality Lacks understanding of most concepts Rarely/infrequently demonstrates critical thinking Rarely/infrequently demonstrates creative thinking Inflexible Rarely/infrequently applies knowledge and skills
Assessment & Evaluation Practices:
Command Terms – Science: Year 3 Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding The student is able to ___________ scientific knowledge. 7 – 8: Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process. 5 – 6: Outline: Give a brief account or summary. 3 – 4: State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation. 1 – 2: Recall: Remember or recognize from prior learning experiences.
Assessment in Ontario and the MYP Use learning goals and success criteria to assess student work Assess using a 4 level of achievement system Use professional judgement to determine the most appropriate level of student achievement Determine a holistic final grade using achievement chart categories based on most consistent demonstration of ability with consideration for more recent evidence Use aims, objectives and assessment criteria to assess student work Assess using an 8 level system of achievement (broken into 4 groups) Use professional judgement to determine the “best fit” for a level of student achievement Determine a holistic final grade using assessment criteria based on most consistent demonstration of ability with consideration for more recent evidence
Evaluation (reporting) Practices: Subject areas with connections to IB: Reporting box will be formatted as such: IB Statement of Inquiry Ministry based curriculum comments and qualifier tied to achievement Examples of task / learning experience IB Criterion Achievement, which will read: IB Achievement by Criterion: A – *; B – *; C - *; D - * * will be replaced by the Criterion Grade
Evaluation (reporting) Practices: Sample report card comment for Science and Technology: SOI: Innovations provide opportunities to explore functions and relationships. With a high degree of effectiveness, NAME can assess the impact of cell biology on individuals, society, and the environment, as evidenced through his/her virus project on Small Pox. IB Achievement by Criterion: A 5; B 6; C 4; D 5
MYP Portfolio: Every student will be provided with a binder and tabs - Maintained over all three years of the programme Every student will be provided with a binder and tabs Time will be provided on a bi-monthly basis to update and reflect Five Sections: Section 1: Subject Reflections Section 2: Skill Reflection – Learning Skills, Attributes, Virtues, Catholic Graduate Expectations Section 3: Co-curricular Log Section 4: Community, Family, Action Section 5: PYP Highlights See website for details. Will be shared at Student-Led Conferences during reporting periods.
Road to Authorization: Timeline: Present: We are in the CANDIDACY phase 2017 – 2018: School was assigned a consultant to work with staff Summer 2018: Application for AUTHORIZATION was received 2018 – 2019: Verification visit at the school level has been organized and a decision regarding authorization will occur thereafter Why so much longer than PYP? PYP was a three year process, and this is essentially the same. The issue is that we did not have a full staff or student breakdown over the past two years as we explored the MYP. That said, the principles of the program were still explored and implemented. We essentially benefited, having greater time to refine our practice and gather a deeper understanding of the MYP prior to applying for candidacy. Many schools go forward with requests for candidacy right away but then sit in the candidate phase for multiple years.
Road to Authorization cont’d: Important information to note: Staff + Training: Demands of specialized training + requirements for authorization Post Authorization: MYP Certificates at Graduation: School based vs. IB based In order to receive an MYP Completion of Programme Certificate for the IBO students must complete the e-assessment that occurs in Year 5. Since we are only a Year 1-3 MYP program our students will not be able to complete that assessment and are therefore ineligible to receive that status certificate. The MYP program can run as a 2 year (generally only year 4 & 5), 3, 4 or 5 year program – what we have here is recognized by the IBO but not in manner in which deems receipt of the certificate. Students will instead be issued one based from the school level.
Questions for the Team