A brief presentation on: The present situation Why the need? What we are aspiring to achieve …
THE PRESENT SITUATION Examination bodies –services Pancyprian exams – admission to Higher Education Institutions in Cyprus and Greece University of Cyprus Cyprus University of Technology Public and Higher Institutions of Greece Examinations for employment in the Public Service, Semi Government Organizations, Municipalities, the Police Force and other services Examinations to establish the level of knowledge of the Greek and the English language for the Educational Service Commission, the Public Service Commission, the Consultative Services of various Government Departments and Services, Semi-State Organizations, Municipalities etc.
Public Institutes of Further Education The following subjects are offered: Foreign Languages( English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish) up to B1 and B2 level of the Common European Framework Greek to Foreigners Lessons to students seeking access to University courses taught in English (IGCSE, IELTS, TOEFL ) Lessons for Cyprus University exams
What has been accomplished so far ….. In 2015 new curricula/syllabi - planning and development according to the CEFR The general approach to language learning of the CEFR is implemented Curricula and schoolbooks take notice of contextual language use and the related ‘can-do’ statements Teacher training includes references to the CEFR
Reflection – Evaluation Examining bodies still make little use of CEFR categories Conflicting conclusions about the correspondence between test scores and CEFR levels Recognition of the Apolytirion (final leaving certificate) Teaching learning and assessing not absolutely corresponding to CEFR levels and content Vocational schools have just started implementing the CEFR
Aspiring to: further ensure quality, coherence and transparency in language provision satisfy the increasing interest in the portability of qualifications in Europe and beyond
How? The existing CEFR descriptors as well as the new ones could act as a renewed impetus to increase their effect and thus improve the quality of language teaching and learning And since the CEFR impact is not confined to language teaching and learning only and its influence has extended to the realm of language assessment as well, we expect its full implementation in all examination bodies for inconsistencies between examining bodies to cease to exist.
Rounding off The Cyprus educational system has implemented the CEFR in its curricula with the prospect of promoting transparency and coherence in the learning and teaching of modern languages. Methodological options for language learning and teaching, and principles of language testing and assessment have been introduced to all parts involved. The end goal was to ensure that all tests, exams and assessment procedures would lead to officially recognised qualifications that take full account of the relevant aspects of language use and language competences as set out in the CEFR and the procedures to relate these tests and examinations to common reference levels (A1-C2) are carried out in a reliable and transparent manner.
Despite all efforts and training not all teachers possess the required competences to use the CEFR as it is intended. There are major differences in knowledge of the CEFR among modern language teachers, consequently large differences in the degree of implementation within classroom teaching and assessment. Teachers do not really use the CEFR as a tool in the classrooms. This has an immediate effect on how tests and final exams are constructed as these are not totally described in terms of the CEFR. The situation is quite disappointing regarding the exams constructed by other examining bodies under the Ministry of Education and Culture; namely Public Institutes and exams delivered by the National examination service which delivers Pancyprian exams and language exams for civil servant candidates as well as language proficiency tests for adults. Obviously, the unfortunate outcome is that the procedures ,as well as the results, are unreliable.
Training of all participants in the construction of tests and exams in accordance with the CEFR Good practices of assessing language competence related to the CEFR. The goal of is to enforce a level of consistency or uniformity in the standard of tests-for example, an examination at level B2, should be of approximately the same level as other examinations delivered by other examining bodies which claim to be B2. Objective
Conclusively, we aim to ensure that all tests, examinations and assessment procedures leading to officially recognised language qualifications take full account of the relevant aspects of language use and language competences as set out in the CEFR, that they are conducted in accordance with internationally recognised principles of good practices and quality management and that the procedures to relate these tests and examinations to the common reference levels (A1-C1 (C2) of the CEFR are carried out in a reliable and transparent manner.