SESAME Radiation Safety and PSS Phase I : Microtron + Booster Morteza Mansouri on behalf of Safety group TAC SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri
Contents: 2SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri 1 Radiation Monitors 2 Plan for PSS 3 PSS Status
Radiation Monitors/Status FAT was on 3-4 Sep 2013 Now we have -5 movable combined stations (trolleys) ready to be connected to PSS. -2 portable Neutrons. -Some spare parts. G chamber N chamber Display N portable detectors Bridge Roof Service area - Calibrations kit: On site. - 2 Gamma portable detector: expected in days. Passive: - Gamma dosimeters/ SESAME. Service area SR tunnel - Neutron TLDs from Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC). - In addition to an external service from Landauer for both Gamma& Neutrons for comparable issues, expected in one month. SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri3
Commissioning permit for Microtron Booster permit: Beginning of 2014 SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri4
5 Plan for PSS Based on the experience of similar installation, the safety integrity level required is SIL-3 PSS equipment: 1.Two cabinets. (One next to the Booster tunnel door, one in the control room) 2.Safety PLC modules. (distributed in two cabinets) 3.Tunnel door switch and lock. 4.Emergency stop push buttons. (inside tunnel and on the two cabinets) 5.Safety relays for main interlocks. 6.Search patrol (search buttons, fence inside tunnel, tunnel evacuation message) 7.Public address system (inside tunnel and service area, expandable for SR phase) 8.IP Camera (operator in control room can monitor the status of the tunnel door) 9.Light indicators. ( Horns and beacons, light panels on tunnel cabinet) 10.Independent cable tray. 11.Network for safety devices.
SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri6 PSS Interlocks: 1.Safety relays for interlocks: a- Microtron trigger b- Microtron high voltage power supply c- RF interlock d- Vacuum gate valve e- Extraction kicker power supply (to be used in SR phase) 2. Tunnel door switches: a- Electromagnetic lock b- Magnetic switch 3. Interlock signals from each radiation monitor: a- Low level alarm b- High level alarm c- Fault signal
SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri 7 PSS architecture
SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri8 PSS Status PSS Tender: PSS tender was posted to SESAME website on 26/May/ Considering Technical and financial issues, SAM was Chosen as the contractor - SESAME contracted SAM on 08/October/2013. CompanyBackgroundSpecs of OfferPrice (USD) SEMER, France LASS "LHC Access Safety System and PASS "SPS Access Safety System in CERN a- The proposed system was totally redundant with very high availability. b- Different aspects of the system had been foreseen in the offer. c- The PLC type suggested is S ,163 Procon Systems, Spain PSS in Alba Prototyping ICS for ITER a- The proposed system was fail-safe and modular. b- Different aspects of the system had been foreseen in the offer. c- The PLC type suggested is S ,996 SAM Engineering, Jordan Safety control systems in oil refinery, Jordan a- The Proposed system was taking into account the essential aspects of PSS and was technically satisfactory. b- The PLC type suggested is AB. c- Local company and easily accessible in comparison to others. 76,565
SAM (contractor) responsibilities: 1.Providing all the hardware of PSS (excluding cables and conduits). 2.Designing and assembling the two PSS cabinets. (Design done) 3.Programming the PSS PLCs. 4.Preparing a monitoring system for PSS with HMI and Factorytalk view studio software. 5.FAT (25/Dec/2013) 6.SAT in cooperation with SESAME. (End of January 2014) 7.Training SESAME staff for safety PLC programming. 8.Providing the documentation. SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri9
SESAME responsibilities: 1.Providing all PSS procedures for the contractor. (done) 2.Preparing I/O list (done) 3.All field cabling and installing cable trays. (PSS cable trays installed, Cable and conduit purchase in progress) 4.Installing the PSS field hardware and connecting the interlock signals to the cabinets terminals. (The hardware is not delivered by the contractor yet; First week of December 2013) 5.Monitoring system for PSS by EPICS (The IOC and main GUI is prepared; in progress) 6.SAT in cooperation with contractor. (End of January 2014) 7.Preparing the final documentation of PSS. (As built documents after PSS commissioning) SESAME TAC 2013 : Morteza Mansouri10