Algorithm for Processing Applicant Privilege Requests START Notify the applicant that the request is invalid or unnecessary STOP Has the director of contract service indicated that the requestor is an employee or independent contractor of the group? Table the request and develop criteria using the current credentials committee procedure. Is the request for activity within the hospital's capability? Does the requestor's supporting documentation reflect conformance to criteria? Refer to the department chair / credentials committee / MEC for review and recommendation (follow credentials procedure). Is the request for a contracted service? Is the request for an item automatically granted to all physicians on staff? Are there criteria for determining if the request is valid? NO YES
Algorithm for Developing Privilege Criteria START In conformance with hospital's plan of care? Is procedure / treatment area clinically effective? Is treatment area an extension of clinical skill or judgment? STOP Have at least 2 representatives agree that the criteria need to be developed? Has treatment area been only recently introduced to this organization or the nation? Will treatment area be added to existing block of core privileges? Proceed with development of criteria Will multiple specialties be interested in this treatment area? Have other organizations developed criteria for this treatment area? Does procedure carry a greater risk than conventional therapy? Will procedure / treatment area be permitted in the organization? YES NO