White Ribbon Scotland WELCOME
Please stand up if you are able to do so
Please stay up if you think men are responsible for most gender abuse
Please stay up if you think we need to change or eliminate the current gender stereotypes
Please stay up if you think violence against women is a gendered issue
Please stay up if you think gender equality will help end violence against women
Please stay up if you think men who do not perpetrate violence against women need to be part of the solution
THANK YOU Please be seated
Men Working to End Violence Against Women White Ribbon Scotland Men Working to End Violence Against Women
Davy Thompson White Ribbon Scotland Campaign Director 22 Montrose St, Glasgow, G1 1RE davy@whiteribbonscotland.org.uk 0141 406 5339
those that don’t abuse women Men are the problem but… those that don’t abuse women ...need to be part of the solution THEREFORE men may be the problem BUT…a significant majority of men do not abuse and must be seen as part of the solution! We may say most rapists are men, not that most men are rapists! I’m a male and am not ashamed, we want to focus on the positives, what we can each do to make a difference. The campaign trys to empower men; lets look at how.
WHY involve men ???
Why Involve Men? We live in a patriarchy Men can use their power/influence to create change Men are half the population Men can be role models/influencers Men can change their own attitudes Men can change their own behavior Gender equality is good for men too Men can help us reach the tipping point!
Men have a responsibility... Not a collective act of guilt or shame… …A responsibility to take up the opportunity to bring about change . Whether that is by challenging the attitudes of peers, by teaching children about equality between sexes from a young age, or by refusing to buy into the commercialisation of women at any level, prevention of VAW will only be achievable if men become part of the movement, which will in turn create a better world for men themselves.
White Ribbon Campaign Started in Canada in 1991 Exists in over 70 countries - Launched by a group of men in Canada in 1991, now with a presence in 55 countries - Sets out to engage men and boys in taking action to prevent violence against women, campaign pledge, wearing a ribbon is a public display that you have taken this pledge. - Focus on non-perpetrating men who see this an issue and want to do something about it Working in partnership with women, to complement their work rather than compete with it Decentralised
White Ribbon Scotland Campaign began in Scotland after ‘Involving Men’ conference in Dundee, 2006 White Ribbon Scotland established as a charity in May 2010
Main Themes of the Campaign What is Violence Against Women? Gender Stereotyping Gender Equality Background to the White Ribbon Campaign Bystander Theory
Main Activities of the Campaign The White Ribbon Pledge The National Speaker Network (of volunteers) White Ribbon Status Working in partnership with other groups and organisations. Working in education
The WRS Pledge May seem obvious
The Pledge “I pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms.”
WRS Status – Core activities Local Speaker Section of the National Network Speaker events Pledges Branding Education Social and traditional media
Local Speakers
Speaker Events
Speaker Events
Speaker Events Pledge events Speak at a local group Run a workshop Staff a stall - merchandising Engage with the public Have a White Ribbon Week Imagination and ingenuity!
Local WRS Branding
White Ribbon Stirling
White Ribbon Dumfries and Galloway
Education quote The campaign has had a massive impact. It has allowed male students to have a voice in opposing violence against women. When we’re not part of the debate, then the fear is that people may think we accept it as a given, but that’s not the case. Shaun McLaughlin, Student, Glasgow Kelvin College
Social Media Facebook: White Ribbon Scotland 1,665 page likes Twitter: @WhiteRibbonScot 3,035 followers Strategy under development
Award of White Ribbon Scotland Status A tangible award for tangible results!
New Wave Volunteering Project 2018 to 2021 Edinburgh Inverclyde East Lothian & Midlothian Maryhill Integration Network (Glasgow) Perth Dundee Aberdeen Orkney Islands Shetland Islands
Questions? Davy Thompson davy@whiteribbonscotland.org.uk 0141 406 5339