Using EBSCOhost Online Database Researching at Dundee Crown High School
Use the DCHS Library Website to find EBSCOhost/Databases Select: A School (Dundee Crown)
Then Select: Students
Then Select: Media Center (Destiny)
Media Center Home-Page
DCHS New Database Options! DCHS has added 4 new databases that will soon be available for student use! These new databases will offer an opportunity to search subject specific topics. Bloom's Literary Reference Online CQ Researcher Issues & Controversies Issues & Controversies in American History
How to LOG-IN If you are using the DCHS severs, then you will automatically be logged in. You can even use the Databases from home!
EBSCOhost EBSCOhost is an online database of magazines, newspapers, journals, and reference books.
EBSCOhost There are several options which you can choose from.
OPTION 1: Research Database
If you selected EBSCOhost Research Databases you will be taken to this page. Here you can decide which database to search. You may choose as few or as many as you want (the more you choose the slower the search).
First choose Advanced Search
Then you can set your search criteria. Focus on the first few options Then you can set your search criteria. Focus on the first few options. Be sure to always select full text. In advanced search YOU can control exactly what you search. Reading Level: 200-950 (1-5) 850-1100 (6-8) 1050-1300 (9-12)
Boolean Search Commands *These should be Capitalized To look for one word an another word in your results=AND (cats AND dogs). To look for either one word or another=OR (cats OR dogs). To exclude a word from a search=NOT (dogs NOT cats). To search for a phrase= Quotation marks (“Black Death”). To separate search commands into sequences= ()AND (dogs OR cats) AND pigeons.
In the top left corner you will see how many results came up for your search. If you have too many results, you may want to narrow your search. Search for Alcohol Search for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Search for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome causes
Using Boolean Commands Can Help! For example: Alcohol AND children Or: Alcohol diseases in children NOT Adults. Or: “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome” AND side-effects
Opening the article gives you several pieces of information, including: author, title, source name and the length of the article. This page will also give you more idea for search criteria.
Also, when you are on the article page you have several options on how to save your article for further use. 1. Print- You may print your article directly from this screen. 2. E-mail- You can choose to email an electronic copy of this article directly to your personal/school email. 3. Bookmark- You can also send the article to many social media websites including Facebook and Twitter. 4. Cite the article directly from Ebsco in proper MLA Format.
Option 2: High School Research Center
This option allows you to start searching by topics, medium, date of publication, and even reading level.
Besides the home page, the student research center works very similarly to the research database option.
Now let’s take a look at some of the other database options. First, let’s take a look at WebPath Express (available on Destiny). WebPath Express can be extremely helpful because it only pulls articles from Quality sources (.govs, .orgs, and trusted websites).
Bloom’s Literary Reference This database will give you information on authors and their works from all around the world.
In this database, you can either perform your own search or browse In this database, you can either perform your own search or browse. Searching To perform your own search, type the name of the work or author in the search box. For instance, you can type “William Shakespeare.” You can browse by genre rather than view all of the articles. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online offers the same tools as EBSCO: saving, personal folder, citation, etc…
Issues and Controversies/CQ Researcher Issues and Controversies as well as CQ Researcher are great places to find information on controversial/prevalent issues. Very easy to navigate (similar to EBSCO). Offers Pro/Con articles. Helpful in finding a research topic/supplemental information.