From Concept Components to Lesson Objectives Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page From Concept Components to Lesson Objectives A Differentiated Unit Structure for all Students Book pgs. 20-27 This presentation revisits the Unit Cover page introduced during the first summer. The UCP is the essential link between the Diocesan Curriculum and the teacher’s Classroom Curriculum. The typical practice of planning lessons without a UCP to guide instructional planning is not an effective way to help students build a “library of concepts” through which they can see the world.
Curricular Priorities and Knowledge Important to Know Wiggins and McTighe, 1998 Dimensions of Learning Marzano, 1992 ACE Unit Structure Knowledge Nice to Know Lessons the help students acquire and integrate knowledge Acquiring & Integrating Knowledge Foundational Skills and Knowledge Important to Know Test Lessons the help students extend, refine, and use knowledge Extending & Refining Knowledge In last summer’s presentation, we presented two critical concepts of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe described In their book “Understanding by Design”. Their first concept is the distinction of the different levels of importance of knowledge. While Units may contain some “Knowledge worth being familiar with”, Unit Goals and Lesson Plan Objectives focus on appropriate critical-thinking skills and Knowledge Important to Know. Lesson concepts connect with each other to form the Enduring Understanding of the Unit Concept. Lesson Objectives also prepare students to think critically about the Unit Concept at the Unit Goal level. (Enduring Understandings can be thought of as “big ideas” that a 30- year old person ought to have strong familiarity with. “big ideas” occur at every grade level and in every subject. Students who build strong concepts “see the world through the lens of those concepts.” Students with a “concept” of “character development” see the changes in their friends through that lens; students with a concept of “right and wrong” see their behavior through that lens; students with a concept of “Life on the Great Plains” see that technology and circumstances affect peoples’ lives.) Enduring Understanding Using Knowledge Meaningfully Performance Assessment 2
Unit Framework Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page We bring together the morning’s work as we create a Unit Cover page, omitting for now the Lesson Assessments for each Lesson Plan. If you are using the workbook, CLICK UNIT #2 on the Course page and it will take you to a page where most of the above information as already filled in for UNIT 2. Please NOTE that the TWO upper right hand cells calculate the NUMBER OF DAYS for the Unit in two different ways. Earlier on the COURSE page, you estimated the number of days for each unit. (The suggestion was that this TOTAL should be around 165-170 days for a 180n DAY School Year. When you next assign the number of days for each Lesson (including one day for the TT and at least part of a day for the PA, the 2nd cell TOTALS these numbers, If the two numbers do NOT agree, the Teacher must adjust somewhere.
1 Introduction of the full template. Mention that Lesson assessments are necessary, but our focus is on objectives at this time. Point out the placement of the Traditional Test (TT) at the end of the Acquiring and Integrating Lessons, a point we return to later. We bring together the morning’s work as we create a Unit Cover page, omitting for now the Lesson Assessments for each Lesson Plan. 2 3 4 5
Organization in the Unit Structure Lessons that expect all students to acquire & integrate new core knowledge Traditional Test Lessons that challenge all students to extend, refine & use knowledge Holistic Performance Assessment Logical progression of lesson plan objectives that increase in critical thinking levels Initial Lesson Plans help students: Focus without distraction on developing the Unit Concept at a straightforward level. Develop their critical thinking at the level of the Unit Goal. Because tests are both assessments of student knowledge and learning experiences for students, a well-constructed Traditional Test assesses the success of students in Acquiring and Integrating the new knowledge of the Unit, and through their preparation and in answering thoughtful TT questions is a learning experience for students. Student results on the Traditional Test affirm or challenge the teacher’s instructional planning and practice to this point in the Unit. Lesson Objectives after the Traditional Test address the more challenging lesson concepts that deepen and broaden students’ critical thinking about the Unit Concept and the final Lesson Objective challenges them to use the Concept in a Meaningful way. The Unit ends with a 2nd Unit Assessment, the Performance Assessment.
Organization in the Unit Structure Phase Description Acquiring & Integrating LPs 3-5 lessons that help students acquire and integrate new knowledge and build toward at least a basic achievement of the Unit Goal Traditional Test Assesses the core concepts and skills and Unit Goal achievement at least at an unsophisticated level Extending & Refining LPs 1-2 lessons that challenge students to extend and refine knowledge Using Knowledge Meaningfully LP 1 lesson that helps students use knowledge in a new, meaningful way Performance Assessment Holistically assesses student achievement of the Unit Goal Typically a unit is about 3 weeks long (15 class days) for a middle school class, perhaps 10-12 days for lower elementary and 20 days for high school. These guides are average. Of this time, the A&I Lesson Plans occupy about 2/3 of the allotted time. Elementary grades may have shorter class times each day and 10 days of shorter class days means that the corresponding Unit Concept will be a limited Concept. For all grades some Unit Concepts and Goals take more or less time for students to accomplish. Often, a highly effective Performance Assessment can flow directly from the Using Knowledge Meaningfully LP and will take only 20 – 30 minutes to complete, rather than devoting a full class period for the PA. Two cautions must be kept in mind: Too long a unit and students forget the first ideas in the unit and cannot construct the Unit Concept or Enduring Understanding. Too short a unit and students are confused either by ideas rushed through or skipped over and they cannot construct a coherent Unit Concept and have no Enduring Understanding.
Unit Concept and its Components Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Unit Concept and its Components 7th Grade Unit Concept: Genre: Poetry Unit Goal: SWBAT analyze poetic devices to create a valid interpretation of a poem. Lesson Concepts: sensory engagement stanza Interpretation meter lines figurative language tone rhyme poetic form As before, we first list the lesson concepts that make up the Unit Concept.
Unit Concept and its Components Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Unit Concept and its Components 7th Grade Unit Concept: Genre: Elements of Poetry Unit Goal: SWBAT analyze poetic devices to create a valid interpretation of a poem. Lesson Concepts: sensory engagement stanza Interpretation rhyme and meter lines figurative language tone perspectives on a theme poetic form We next underline the more challenging concepts, the first step in differentiating the Unit’s Lesson Objectives.
Unit Concept and its Components Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Unit Concept and its Components 7th Grade Unit Concept: Genre: Elements of Poetry Unit Goal: SWBAT analyze poetic devices to create a valid interpretation of a poem. Lesson Concepts: meter, lines, stanza and rhyme figurative language sensory engagement tone poetic form Interpretation perspectives on a theme We then sequence the components in a logical order, placing the underlined, more challenging concepts at the end. The sequence of straightforward lesson concepts MUST allow students to construct a straightforward Unit Concept by the time of the TT.
Components and LP Objectives Genre: Elements of Poetry Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Components and LP Objectives Genre: Elements of Poetry LP1 Objective: SWBAT identify the basic elements of poetry including meter, lines, stanza, and rhyme. LP2 Objective: SWBAT analyze the use of figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification) to suggest meaning in a poem. LP3 Objective: SWBAT analyze the utilization of sensory engagement (alliteration, imagery, onomatopoeia, symbolism) in a poem. LP4 Objective: SWBAT determine the tone of a poem using diction, figurative language, and imagery. LP5 Objective: SWBAT examine the fit between poetic form and subject matter. LP6 Objective: SWBAT analyze poetic devices to create a valid interpretation of a poem. ACE Collaborative 2012 We now create standards-based Lesson Plan Objectives. Each Objective incorporates the Lesson Concept and a SWBAT Bloom verb. Bloom verbs begin at the lower level but MUST reach the GOAL Bloom verb at least by the last Objective that is not underlined.
Organization of the Unit Cover Page 1 Lesson Plan Objectives can now be filled in. NOTE: The template that you are using does not show ACQUIRING and INTEGRATING etc. The number of LP Objectives depends on the Unit and there is no (easy) way to expand the number of rows without destroying the formatting. NOTE: This is an earlier form that calculated the # of Days ONLY for the Unit Cover page and did not compare it to the Course Page numbers for the YEAR. 2 3 4 5
Unit Framework Genre: Poetry Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Unit Framework Unit # Genre: Poetry Estimated Duration (7th Grade) 20 (Unit Rationale) The previous Reading Strategies unit provides students with tools to sharpen comprehension of all forms of literature. Analyzing the constituent elements of poems sets the stage for the next unit, a genre exploration of Short Stories. The relative brevity of poetry facilitates in-depth discussion and careful examination. Unit Goal SWBAT analyze poetic devices such as figurative language, sensory engagement, diction, and form to create a valid interpretation of a poem Prior Knowledge SWBAT recall aspects of poetic devices. SWBAT apply a variety of reading strategies to literature Unit Assessment Performance Assessment: Given the poem "Let Evening Come" by Jane Kenyon, SW write an essay in which they analyze poetic elements to create an interpretation of the poem The Diocesan Curriculum provides the Unit Framework of Unit Concept and Unit Goal for teachers to construct Unit Lesson Plans. The Unit Rationale links individual units into a coherent course The Unit (Performance) Assessment provides guidance for lesson objectives and instructional activities. . ALL of these elements of the Unit Framework drop in from the Course page. The new element, Prior Knowledge, is completed by the teacher as she begins the Unit. The two elements of Prior Knowledge that are essential are: Prior Knowledge about the Unit Concept that has meaning for students and can be extended and refined to the NEW declarative knowledge of this Unit. Prior Knowledge about skills that students need to be successful in achieving the Unit Goal for this Unit.
A&I Lesson Plan Objectives Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page A&I Lesson Plan Objectives Lesson # (Click on the LP# to jump to that LP) Estimated # of days Lesson Objective Lesson Assessment Benchmarks, Standards or Mastery Codes LP1 2 Objective: SWBAT identify the basic elements of poetry including meter, lines, stanza, and rhyme RL7.4,5 Assessment: LP2 SWBAT analyze the use of figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification) to suggest meaning in a poem. RL7.4 LP3 2 SWBAT analyze the utilization of sensory engagement (alliteration, imagery, onomatopoeia, symbolism) in a poem. RL7.5 LP4 SWBAT determine the tone of a poem using diction, figurative language, and imagery. LP5 SWBAT examine the fit between poetic form and subject matter LP6 3 SWBAT analyze poetic devices such as figurative language, sensory engagement, diction, and form to create a valid interpretation of a straightforward poem. RL7.1,2 LP7 1 TRADITIONAL TEST Lesson Objectives incorporate the component lesson concepts, which are shown in red.
E&R Lesson Plan Objectives Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page E&R Lesson Plan Objectives Lesson # (Click on the LP# to jump to that LP) Estimated # of days Lesson Objective Lesson Assessment Benchmarks, Standards or Mastery Codes LP7 1 Objective: Assessment: TRADITIONAL TEST LP28 2 SWBAT analyze different perspectives on a literary theme . RL7.6 LP39 SWBAT create a valid interpretation of a challenging poem using poetic devices such as figurative language, sensory engagement, diction, and form. RL7.1,2,5,6 LP410 Given the poem "Let Evening Come" by Jane Kenyon, SW write an essay in which they analyze poetic elements to create an interpretation of the poem PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Lesson Objectives after the TT incorporate the challenging lesson concepts, which are again listed in red.
Summary: Unit Structure Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Summary: Unit Structure A logical progression of lesson plan objectives focused on the Unit Goal facilitates organized, meaningful learning 2-4 day lesson plans “chunk” concepts together, which helps students remember new knowledge and connect it to prior knowledge Regular end-of-lesson plan assessments support all students, but in particular struggling students Based on the ideas of Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins (Understanding by Design) coupled with those of Robert J. Marzano (A Different Kind of Classroom).
Constructing a Unit Cover Page Classroom Curriculum Instruction Unit Cover Page Constructing a Unit Cover Page Earlier, you analyzed and sequenced the components for Diocesan Unit Concept 2, identifying straightforward and sophisticated concepts. (Fill in the Unit Concept and Unit Goal in the Unit Framework.) From the sequenced lesson concepts, construct A&I Lesson Objectives. Observe that verbs in the Objectives typically begin at a lower Bloom level and reach the critical-thinking of the Goal prior to the Traditional Test. Construct E&R and UKM Lesson Objectives. ACE Collaborative 2012 After about 5 minutes put Slide 13 up as a model.