Team Members Class and Date Team Name Conceptual Design Review (this is a bare-bones template – make it fancier if you wish, but be sure to address at least the items listed here) Team Members Class and Date
Mission Overview What are your (multiple) objectives? (you need to use the required equipment plus GPS data (from the tracking system) plus your specialized equipment to accomplish the objectives) What do you expect to show/prove/disprove?
Conceptual Design Functional block diagram showing parts of near-spacecraft and what each part does and how the parts are related (if they are). Sketches of the payload box with components in place showing where they will be located in the spacecraft, which way they will be pointing (if that is important), etc. See posted list of approximate sizes of various components. Complete list of parts (including required parts, unique parts, things you need to build, etc.)
Management Organizational chart (“Org chart”) for your team. Who is responsible for what? Share the duties! (Look up what an “org chart” looks like.) Schedule. What needs to be done by when? See tentative class schedule to see when things will be discussed/distributed in lecture. Note – you will NOT be given adequate time in lecture to do all your construction and testing.
Budgets How much will you payload cost – individual components and altogether? See posted list of approximate costs of various components. What will be the mass of various parts and of the total payload? See posted list of approximate masses of various components. Note: If you plan to use components not on the posted list, possibly for your team’s “creative” experiment(s), you will need to come up with cost, size, and mass estimates of your own.