Critical Care Symposium 2018 AACN Past President Christine Schulman American Association of Critical Care Nurses-Greater Louisville Chapter Christine S. Schulman, MS, RN, CNS, CCRN-K is a critical care and trauma clinical nurse specialist at Legacy Health in Portland, Oregon. She obtained most of her bedside clinical experience as a staff nurse in the surgical ICU at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, and earlier in her career she held critical care and emergency nursing positions in Wyoming and Colorado. Schulman has also been an adjunct clinical instructor at Oregon Health & Science University, Seattle University and University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle. Richard B. Arbour MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, CCTC, FAAN, FCCM is a Clinical Nurse Specialist for Neuroscience/Critical Care: Lancaster General Health/Penn Medicine. His specialty is in the fields of Neuroscience nursing and has received numerous awards in his research contributing to the body of knowledge in this area. Both are prolific speakers and have spoken nationally. Critical Care Symposium 2018 Featuring AACN Past President Christine Schulman and Richard Arbour Agenda: Friday, October 19, 2018 7:15a Registration 7:45a Introduction and Opening remarks 8:00a Inflammation of the Critical Illness and Injury–The Ooooh-La-La Response 9:00a Neuro Assessment for the Non-Neuro Nurse 10:15a Break 10: 45a Teaching Critical Thinking for Preceptors 12:00p Lunch 1:00p Early Hormonal Resuscitation After Nonsurvivable Brain Injury: Impact on Organ Recovery 2:30p Break 2:45p How to Receive Feedback Elegantly – The Other side of the Communication Dance 3:45p Evaluation and Close Questions: Contact Symposium Chairman Julie Lau ( CE Credit: This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation for 6 Contact Hours. ANCC Accredited Approver number A0012. Mailed Registration: Complete information below and return it with your check or money order made payable to AACN-GLC to: AACN-GLC Symposium c/o Julie Lau, 1234 Sportsman Drive, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Please Check One: □AACN Member $60 □ Non-AACN Member $75 □ Student (Pre-Lic) $25 Name:__________________________Address: __________________________ City/State__________________Zip:_______Email Address:_________________ AACN#__________Exp:_______ Nursing Lic. #___________Employer/School__________________________ Location: The Norton Learning Center, 9500 Ormsby Station Rd, Louisville, KY 40223 Registration Fees: AACN Member $60, Non-AACN Member $75, Student (Pre-License only) $25 Early Online Registration: All of the above information is required for record keeping purposes, please do not leave anything out and write legibly.