PTO Meeting March 6th 2018
What I love about Bexley Other than these amazing children? The awareness of what makes this community so amazing – connection & caring Building upon our strengths to become even better Open conversation about the give and take Willingness to listen and work together Working together to improve, continuously
Safe Schools Research has informed our school’s security measures Secret Service Safe School Initiative Study A 2002 collaboration between the United States Secret Service and the Unites States Department of Education. A review of the previous 40 school shootings.
Ohio Attorney General School Safety Task Force Report – June 8, 2013 Instructs all Ohio schools to form threat assessment teams and begin using a threat assessment model. /Publications-for-Schools/School-Safety-Task-Force- Report
Review of studies show us the following: The majority of high-profile school violence offenses do not occur spontaneously. Most involve prior planning. They typically stem from the culmination of deteriorating events, causing them to feel that they are at the “end of the road.” Fantasy Planning Prepare/ Acquire Practice Implement
This research and our security reviews inform our practices Bexley Security Review every 3 years Due for review July 2018 Informally, consultation after every drill & most admin meetings Administrative team started work to begin this formal cycle An immediate outcome will be a further distillation of safety protocols into a one page infographic Across my 7 year tenure –all Bexley area schools (Including Capital University), Mayor Kessler and Bexley Police twice during the school year to get updated information regarding response and prevention of safety concerns. last cycle was 14-15
If you hear of a threat to the safety of our school, call 911 24 hour reporting=911 If and when schools perceive of a threat, we engaged in a threat assessment protocol
Our practices have evolved and will continue to evolve o Our practices have evolved and will continue to evolve o Phones in all room, radios at recess & with maintenance o Central entrance to each facility during instructional hours o Faculty & Staff ID badges o Go Bags – emergency preparation for each classroom with flip book o Constant mapping and re-mapping building, shared with BPD o Tours of building with BPD resource officers o Variety of drill types – multiple practice and review sessions Lock-down, Modified Lock-down, Stay-Put, Reverse Lock-down, Evacuation o Enhanced video cameras & digital recording – ongoing updates o OneCallNow communication system for immediate emergency info o Quick contact– immediate communication with BPD school offices o ID scanning and checking upon entrance o Quick door locks & protective film o Orange vests at recess o 10 minute lead time for future fire/tornado drills
Director of Student & Community Engagement Facilitates Developmental Assets studies across all buildings Me and My World Survey, student-survey of 40 developmental assets Results from this research established our schools’ School Climate Committee goals (2002, 2007, 2012, 2017) Every Cub Counts, 3rd year Lunchtime clubs, Molly’s Garden, Mindfulness Club, Maker Space Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports - Cassingham’ s cub code Crisis Prevention Training Review of Health Curriculum, 2016
Each elementary, one part-time school counselor Curriculum=2nd Step 1st step is families 2nd step is school
Primary concerns Locked doors during the day; enter through our main entrance Adult sign-in & out through main entrance Playground gates