Workshop 6 – 1 hour
Do you ever find yourself: Feeling confused? Feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you? Finding it hard to concentrate?
We will focus on… Understanding how mindfulness may be of use in everyday student life. Developing an awareness of how to overcome study problems by applying mindfulness. Overcoming negative thoughts for more positive mindfulness.
Our Plan: Focus, Think, Finish The Big Picture: Focus, Think, Finish Be Inspired: An introduction to mindfulness Focus on you: how mindful are you? Practicing what we’ve learned: Mindfulness activities to overcome common study problems
1) The Big Picture: Focus, Think, Finish Watch the Introductory Lecture on the topic Focus, Think, Finish: How being mindful can improve academic success An introduction to mindfulness Living in the present Why mindfulness makes us happier The benefits of being mindful when you study Mindfulness is a skill that requires practice Common negative thoughts that get in the way of mindfulness Overcoming destructive negative thinking Introducing the idea of self-compassion
2) Be Inspired: An introduction to mindfulness This video by ‘Mind the Bump’ gives you an introduction to the benefits of mindfulness and how it is different from mindlessness. There is no need to take notes or answer any questions while watching this video. Take in the information and focus your mind on the concept of mindfulness, which we are going to practice and explore today:
3) Focus on you: how mindful are you? In your workbooks, complete the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale activity, which gives you an idea of how mindful you are in everyday life. Using the 1-6 scale, indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Answer according to what reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be. Treat each item separately from every other item. To score the scale, simply calculate your average score for all of your 15 responses. Higher scores reflect higher levels of mindfulness.
4) Practicing what we’ve learned: Mindfulness activities to overcome common study problems Break into three groups. Each group should focus on one of the following study problems: ‘I can’t seem to focus’ ‘I feel overwhelmed’ ‘I procrastinate’ In each group, discuss a recent situation you have been in where you have experienced this problem. Once you can picture yourself in this state, one person from the group should read the mindfulness activity instructions to the rest of the group. The rest of the group should follow the instructions carefully, to practice overcoming this study problem. If you have time, your group can try a different study problem, with a different person instructing the mindfulness activity.
Bringing it all together Mindfulness can help your study in the following ways: In preparation for study To get more out of study time through reduced distractions To allow you to transition from study – sleep Focussing on the present improves concentration and retention Reduce anxiety around test/exam situations Boost confidence through visualisations/mental holidays Make being mindful a regular habit in your everyday life. Like any muscle you need to train your brain to be mindful, so start with 2-3 minute mindfulness practice at the same time every day (e.g.) when brushing your teeth to strengthen your ability.