National Trends in Poverty Survey August 26, 2015 NCAP Annual Conference-San Francisco Jim Masters: CCAP, NCRT. Allen Stansbury, Senior Associate. Center for Community Futures
101Total Responses 95% Confidence Rate Date Created: Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Questions 1-3 Issues 1. Increase access to parent engagement and education programs for children aged 0-5 2. Increase access to and quality of early care and education for children aged 0-5 3. Increase access to higher education for low-income students 4. Increase access to health care for low-income individuals and families 5. Increase access to public benefit programs 6. Increase access to job training and related workforce development programs 7. Increase direct public sector spending on job creation programs 8. Enact tax reform legislation that supports low-income individuals and families 9. Enact/strengthen regulatory reforms in the finance sector 10. Increase the minimum wage 11. Enact/strengthen labor laws and regulations 12. Reform immigration laws 13. Reform the corrections system 14. Strengthen voting rights
access to job training and related workforce development programs, and Q1: Assess the level of your agency's involvement in its programs and community engagement efforts around the following issues areas: Answered: 100 Skipped: 1 Increase access to parent engagement and education programs for children aged 0-5. Increase access to and quality of early care and education for children aged 0-5, access to job training and related workforce development programs, and increase access to higher education for low-income students were top ranked
Q1: Assess the level of your agency's involvement in its programs and community engagement efforts around the following issues areas:
Q2: In your opinion, to what extent should the national Community Action Network be involved in the following issue areas taking into consideration (a) your assessment of the initiative’s potential to improve outcomes for low-income individuals, families, and communities, (b) the potential for the Community Action Network to influence the issue, and (c) the need to prioritize support for different initiatives given limited resources?
Q3: Rank the top five issue areas that are most important to addressing the needs of the community that your agency serves. Answered: 98 Skipped: 3
Q4: Rank in order of importance which of the following are most critical to support your agency's work on the types of issues listed in the first three questions above. Answered: 97 Skipped: 4
Q4: Rank in order of importance which of the following are most critical to support your agency's work on the types of issues listed in the first three questions above. Answered: 97 Skipped: 4
Q5: Assess the level of your agency's effort to engage in education, awareness, and similar stakeholder engagement strategies around anti-poverty efforts. Answered: 97 Skipped: 4
Q5: Assess the level of your agency's effort to engage in education, awareness, and similar stakeholder engagement strategies around anti-poverty efforts. Answered: 97 Skipped: 4
Q6: How often do you use the following activities as part of your anti-poverty efforts? Answered: 100 Skipped: 1
Q7: Are these activities participated in mostly on a: Answered: 98 Skipped: 3
Q7: Are these activities participated in mostly on a: Answered: 98 Skipped: 3
Many thanks for your participation Question and Answers Many thanks for your participation 11/26/2018