THE CASE OF THE MYSTERY CONGLOMERATE: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES ON FIELD TRIPS Julia Sankey California State University, Stanislaus Geology Program, Department of Physics and Geology 801 W. Monte Vista Ave., Turlock, CA 95382 209-667-3090 1st Assignment: Field Trip Report: Abstract, Introduction, Observation, Interpretations, Discussion, References, Figures stratigraphic columns & photos. Surprise! No mention of conglomerate in literature! New scientific discovery? Suddenly, students got really interested in this project. 2nd Assignment: Mock GSA grant proposal to test 3 hypotheses on the depositional environments using appropriate sedimentological and stratigraphic methods. Teaching Philosophy of Field Trips: Students should learn the scientific process by doing real geology themselves. Students make observations, test their hypotheses, and investigate the literature. Field trip reports get the students to synthesize what they have learned in the field. Geology students measuring and describing outcrop. Don’t Fall! Discovery: 100-meter thick deposit of sandstones and conglomerates. Mystery: What was the depositional environment? Student Opinions Varied Wildly: Volcanic-related mudflow Submarine canyon debris flow triggered by a canyon failure Alluvial fan deposit Acknowledgements: Funding from CSU Stanislaus. Stratigraphy Class Students. Enthusiastic Research Students: Richard Peltier, Charles Preppenau, and Paul Troop. Mystery conglomerate in Del Puerto Canyon, near Patterson and I-5, Diablo Range, California. Student Research Group Formed: Made additional field trips, searched literature & wrote abstract "Doing field research has really made the process of learning much more exciting. The process feels like a reward in itself”, Richard Peltier. Objectives of 1st Stratigraphy field trip: students will learn how to measure and describe a stratigraphic section & 2) interpret depositional environment of units studied