Interactive Session #1: Exploring AFIRM Tools and Resources Gregory Montello, Head of Product Chemistry | New Balance Athletics, Inc.
Utilizing Tools for RSL Compliance Choosing and understanding tools and resources Highlight strengths and weaknesses Basis for dialogue with supplier relationships. This session will highlight 3 tools using three resources to improve how we comply with Restricted Substances. We have an abundance of resources that we will be sharing with you today. But how are you going to use them? What are some of the benefits you gain from Using the information available to you can highlight strengths and weaknesses in your products, your chemical supplier relationships and document best practices that benefit you and your partners. In this session, we will practice using three resources to improve how we comply with Restricted Substances. This is just a few of many guides that are included in the AFIRM RSL, Toolkit and Chemical Guidance Sheets.
Topic 1: Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Should be part of standard documentation between suppliers and partners. Provides important information on safe manufacturing and handling of chemicals. This exercise will review two (2) different examples of Safety Data Sheets. Short Intro on Safety Data Sheets Instructions: Take a look at Interactive Session Handout 1 at each of your tables. You will have 10 minutes to look at 2 different Safety Data Sheets. In reviewing them, discuss with your group the following questions. Afterward, we will spend time highlighting your findings.
Topic 1: Safety Data Sheet (SDS) What is important for you as a manufacturer to know when looking at the SDS? Is this a good SDS? Why or Why Not? Is there any missing key information? If yes, explain what is missing and what type of information needs to be added. When reviewing the SDS examples – keep in mind your own processes for managing this information: How is the SDS maintained? Is it reviewed regularly for updates? How is new information shared to relevant parties? [Keep this slide up for brainstorming among audience / when time to review with the audience, the turn to next slide]
Topic 1: Safety Data Sheets (SDS) EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 1 Start with Example 1: Was this a good or poor example of a Safety Data Sheet? Why or Why Not? Example 2: What things did the 2nd SDS that was valuable to you that was missing in Example 1? In reviewing the SDS, what type of information did you find most important? Did you find information, you currently don’t have in your own SDS library? After discussion include closing remarks with important notes (refer to Word Doc).
Topic 1: SDS Wrap-Up Key Points: Safety Data Sheets are reliant on a knowledgeable chemical supplier. Safety Data Sheets are an important part of information sharing with your supplier. The AFIRM Toolkit provides guidance on reviewing a Safety Data Sheet for key information that should be included. Safety Data Sheets are reliant on a knowledgeable chemical supplier. They can provide key information on proper handling of chemicals, safety hazards and first aid treatment if injury should occur. Chemical restrictions are not just about making manufacturing harder; keep in mind that information in a good SDS can prevent negative health and environmental impact. MSDS are an important part of information sharing with your supplier. Do you have the most up to date information? Do you have a good relationship with your chemical supplier? The AFIRM Toolkit provides guidance on reviewing a Safety Data Sheet for key information that should be included.
Topic 2: AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets Introduced earlier today. There are 29 different information sheets on the AFIRM website. This exercise allow us to review two additional AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets. Review the Chemical Information Sheet provided and answer the questions in the next slide. Our next exercise will utilize the AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets. They should look familiar – they were discussed in the last presentation with guidance on what types of information they present.
Topic 2: AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets Review the uses of this chemical in the supply chain. How is it used and what type of products could you find this in? Why is the chemical restricted? When does this risk occur (manufacturing? a consumer risk? End of Life (when the product is thrown away)? Discuss what safer alternatives are discussed in your chemical information sheet. How can you utilize this to improve future product? [Since each table will only get one of the Chemical Information Sheets, seek out a representative to answer each question on the APEO Sheet and Phthalate Sheet] After initial round of answering the questions on this slide – if there is time/desire, can facilitate more discussion by asking: - Was there anything new or surprising that you learned in reviewing the Chemical Information Sheet? (for example in materials that you may find the chemical in or alternatives?) - Any additional comments or thoughts you’d like to share after getting to look at a Chemical Information Sheet?
Topic 2: AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets – Wrap Up Key Points: AFIRM currently has Chemical Information Sheets for 29 different chemicals/chemical groups. Chemical Information Sheets are a valuable tool for: understanding a restricted chemical, educating partners about chemical concerns, and finding solutions with your suppliers. Optional: including that Chemical Information Sheets highlight where the risk is for chemicals, information on toxicity and talking points and actionable steps to find compliance.
Topic 3: Problem Solution Prevention Library The Problem Solution Prevention Library highlights known issues and corrective action plans. Our 3rd topic will focus on an excerpt from the Library. Also discussed in our preview session on RSL, the Problem Solution Prevention Library covers multiple categories of chemical failures across multiple categories. For this next exercise, we have provided you with an excerpt from the Problem Solution Prevention Library on Formaldehyde to lead our next discussion. On your tables, take a look at the excerpt provided. Discuss the findings and try and pull lessons learned from the case studies presented.
Topic 3: Problem Solution Prevention Library Problem Solution Prevention Library: Lessons Learned about Formaldehyde What type of manufacturing treatments can lead to formaldehyde failures? What are some overarching issues that lead to some of these failures? What are some practices that you can do to prevent RSL failures for formaldehyde based on these lessons? Take about 10 minutes to review and discuss amongst tables. Regroup and discuss findings to these questions for about 7-10 minutes. [Keep this slide for duration of audience brainstorming and discussion)
Topic 3: Problem Solution Prevention Library – Wrap Up Key Points: RSL Failures can occur when there is a gap between process documentation and implementation. Review of raw materials is equally as important as reviewing and auditing your own processes to ensure compliance. Discussion between vendors and suppliers can identify key gaps in using some of these materials. The Problem Solution Prevention Library covers many chemicals and product categories where RSL failures were found and remedied. We encourage suppliers to review and use these examples to see where these experiences can be applied to your manufacturing. RSL Failures can still happen when there is a gap between process documentation and implementation. Review of raw materials is equally important as reviewing and auditing your own processes to make sure that the desired result is achieved. Discussion between vendors and suppliers can identify key gaps in using some of these materials.
Concluding Remarks We’ve just reviewed only 3 of numerous tools present within the AFIRM RSL, Toolkit and chemical Guidance Sheets. These resources are free to use and result from the experiences and research of the brands represented here. We highly encourage you to take a deeper look into these resources to support your expertise and application. Thanks to everyone for their ideas, participation and continued partnership.
LUNCH BREAK LUNCH 12:00 – 13:00 Please enjoy some food and drink. Presentations will continue afterward.