Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 Did you know? Every day in the UK, 9 women are diagnosed with Cervical Cancer 3 women lose their lives everyday to Cervical Cancer Incidence rates are projected to rise by 43% to 17 cases per 100,000 females by 2035. There were 854 deaths from Cervical Cancer in 2016 (CRUK 2018)
Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 Who is eligible for FREE screening? Women aged 25-49 invited every 3 years* Women aged 50-64 invited every 5 years* *England, Northern Ireland and Wales Is your Smear test due? Speak to a receptionist today to book your appointment.
Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 Cervical Screening (A Smear test) prevents 75% of Cervical Cancers …… But 1 in 4 women do not attend when invited …… this drops to 1 in 3 in women aged 25 to 29yrs
Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 The most common symptoms of cervical cancer are: Abnormal bleeding: during or after intercourse, or between periods. Post menopausal bleeding, if you are not on HRT or have stopped it for six weeks. Unusual and/or unpleasant discharge. Discomfort or pain during intercourse. Lower back pain.
Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 Reduce your risk Regular cervical screening is the most effective form of prevention, it allows early detection of any changes to the cervix (neck of the womb). HPV (Human papilloma virus) vaccinations protect against 70% of all cervical cancers for younger women who are eligible. Stop smoking; Smoking increases your risk of getting cervical cancer Lead a healthy & active lifestyle; You are more at risk if you have a weakened immune system.
Cervical Cancer Screening week 11th-18th June 2018 Reason’s for poor Smear test attendance: Too embarrassed Scared/worried/anxious about test Test is uncomfortable Cultural reasons No time Screening is not a priority for young women Remember………. If you have any questions speak to a Health Care professional.