The Strongest Link Let’s Play! Instructions
Nationally Recognized Scholars, Featuring... Nationally Recognized Scholars, Pat E. Pointer U. Can Doit Otto B. Studying Love N. Life
The Strongest Link 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Team Score 1 2
Most of the bones of the body are ____________. Spongy bone Intra membranous Endochondral Cartilaginous Who is the strongest link?
Explanation of the Answer Goes Here ENDOCHONDRAL Explanation of the Answer Goes Here Next Question
Which of the following is an example of an irregular bone? Vertebrae Rib Humerus Clavicle Who is the strongest link?
VERTEBRAE Next Question
Which bone cell works to rebuild bone tissue? Osteons Osteocytes Osteoclasts Osteoblasts Who is the strongest link?
Osteoblasts lay down inorganic salts which help to form compact bone. Next Question
In order to create movement, bones function as _______. Fulcrums Pulleys Machines Levers Who is the strongest link?
LEVERS Next Question
Who is the strongest link? Which component of the bone is responsible for creating blood cells? Red Marrow Yellow Marrow Spongy Bone Compact Bone Who is the strongest link?
RED MARROW Red marrow contains premature blood cells that can be stimulated to mature when more blood cells are needed. Next Question
Who is the strongest link? Which bone of the skull is often flattened due to an infant lying on it’s back? Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Who is the strongest link?
Occipital Next Question
Who is the strongest link? When you bend at the knees, which type of joint is allowing for this type of movement? Pivotal Hinge Ball and Socket Gliding Who is the strongest link?
One of 6 types of synovial joints Hinge One of 6 types of synovial joints Next Question
Who is the strongest link? Moving a body part away from the mid-line of the body is what type of movement? Extension Flexion Adduction Abduction Who is the strongest link?
Abduction Next Question
Who is the strongest link? What type of joint is the shoulder? Ball and Socket Hinge Gliding Pivot Who is the strongest link?
Ball and Socket Next Question
Who is the strongest link? Which pairs of ribs are considered false ribs? No such thing Pairs 11-12 Pairs 1-7 Pairs 8-10 Who is the strongest link?
Pairs 8-10 Next Question
How to play The Strongest Link Divide the group up into two teams. Assign one group to be Team 1, the other will be Team 2. Have each team choose a spokesperson. Begin the PowerPoint and introduce the characters. Have the spokesperson from one team choose a question. Click on that number. Read the question and allow the spokesperson to confer with teammates to come up with an answer. Have them state the answer orally, then click on the arrow button. Read the answer displayed on the next slide. Click on the button to move back to the board. If the answer given was correct, type the correct number of points in the score box. Continue to play until all questions have been answered. The team with the most points wins. Let’s Play!