Iraq War By Josh Culora. Videos of the Iraq War 4&feature=player_detailpage


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Presentation transcript:

Iraq War By Josh Culora

Videos of the Iraq War 4&feature=player_detailpage fs&feature=player_detailpage

FACTS ABOUT THE WAR About 9 billion dollars of the United States taxpayers' money and million dollars in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors 40,000 Troops in Iraq There are 75 total US Military Helicopters were shot down in Iraq The cost to deploy one solider to Iraq is 390,000 dollars

Why we went to War with Iraq Saddam is an evil man who used poison gas on his own people, has killed political rivals, and violates the human rights of his people, especially the Kurds. The Iraqi people deserve to be liberated from him. Saddam has weapons of mass destruction (chemical and biological weapons) in violation of UN demands. These weapons pose a threat to Iraq's neighbors and to U.S. interests in the region. This is not true but we believed it One of the biggest reason that no one talks about it they have 20 % of the worlds oil come from Iraq