How to Become the President
Electoral College System Formal Qualifications (Constitutional Requirements): A natural born US Citizen 35 Years Old Living in US for 14 years before taking office Informal Qualifications Money!! Political Experience Political Beliefs
Electoral College System Steps to Become President: THE Electoral College Declare Candidacy Chosen by Party Caucuses Primaries in late summer
Primaries Open Primary- Open to all people regardless of party affiliation Closed Primary- Restricted to party members only. People cast vote to select the candidate. Candidate with the most votes is chosen to run in general election. Each state can choose own method for running primary but must follow party rules.
Open vs. Closed Primaries Supporters of Closed Prevents raiding from other party Keeps candidate responsive to party Forces voters to consider party choices. Opponents of Closed Forces people to publicly show political preference Excludes independent voters
Caucuses Closed meeting of party members Local members of a political party register their preference among candidates running for office or select delegates to attend a convention Each state can choose own methods but must follow party rules
Convention Party’s formal nomination of a candidate Each party has their own Delegates from each state cast votes Party’s platform is adopted
Electoral College System Placed on the Ballot Voted on by Americans in November Not a direct vote for Candidate ELECTORS Vote for president in December Electors are not legally obligated to vote in line! Win the Electoral College Wait…What??
Electoral College System Each state has a certain number of “Electoral Votes” Based on Population Total US Electoral Votes = 538 435 members of the House 100 members of the Senate 3 for District of Columbia First to “270” Wins!!
2012 Electoral Map Obama (332) vs. Romney (206)
Why the Electoral College was used Communication was slow and unreliable People were ill informed about candidates Did not want people to directly choose Did not want congress to choose
Electoral College System Possible Flaws?? Winner Take all System Winner of Popular vote in State receives all Electoral Votes (Exceptions are Maine and Nebraska) You can lose National Popular Vote and still win electoral vote 3rd Party Candidates Take electoral votes from other Candidates? Bargain off Electoral Votes Election by the House If no Candidate receives 270, House votes (50 votes) What if a State can’t decide?? Trump : 62,984,825 Clinton: 65,853,516
Arguments for the Electoral College Gives smaller states a voice Requires widespread popular support to win Reduces impact of regional popularity Encourages stability through the two- party system Neutralizes turnout disparities between states
Arguments against the Electoral College Popular vote winner could lose election Unequal weight of voters Focus on large swing states Favors less populous states Disadvantage for third parties