Welcome to CB West High School! An overview of what to focus on during 10th grade. Donna Dallam Michael Curtis ddallam@cbsd.org mcurtis@cbsd.org School Counselor (A – K) School Counselor (L – Z)
10th = A Transition Year Independence and responsibility Students should first attempt to resolve issues on their own. Embrace responsibility, in a safe environment. Adjust to new expectations Encourage students to try and work through challenges, especially in higher level courses. Focus on a new approach, not a lower grade. Donna Start
Success at the HS Level Block scheduling – Attendance Matters! Students should do everything possible to attend school every day. It is difficult to do well when always “making- up” assessments and assignments. When missing is unavoidable: Student should email all teachers directly. Check the teacher’s website, review notes, and try to stay connected. Always approach teachers upon return. Donna start
Success at the HS Level Homework is essential Natural ability cannot replaces effort. A consistent, planned approach is best. Study Skills & Time Management Mastering how to study & how to mange time/responsibilities is a key this year. Not just taking the time to study, BUT using that time well… in a way that shows up on test day!
Success at the HS Level Academic Planning Graduation requirements and course options are online : Program of Studies. Have an awareness of Honors/AP, and content specific course requirements. Seek an academic challenge, while accounting for additional responsibilities. Select appropriate courses; eventual college choice should only be part of the consideration. Be aware of scheduling combinations (4 APs)
Success at the HS Level Report Cards are not mailed home Students and Parents have access to in-progress course grades, as well as end of MP Report Cards in the portal. Report Card Dates (Weather Permitting ) MP1 – Nov 15th MP2 – Feb 6th MP3 – April 15th MP4 – June 18th
Academic Help Classroom Teacher Tutoring Academy Most will have set days before/after school for help/tutoring, and exam review. Tutoring Academy One day a week in the West library (Tues). Contact your student’s counselor We can review study habits / approach. ($) Private tutoring may be available.
Occasionally check the portal… …BUT, just like when you invest in stocks… You shouldn’t check it every day!
Have Balance Teenagers DO need supervision While having the freedom to make choices. Set clear expectations (reduce anxiety) “Must hold a ‘B’ in all classes” (be realistic with goals). Review in scheduled periods (every two weeks). Don’t text your student when a new grade pops up in the portal! Set clear consequences (BOTH + / - ) Positive: “You don’t have to clean your room this week” Negative: “You lose the computer for a week” Mike Start
Have Balance Physical & Mental Well-being Sleep, diet, and exercise Actively manage stress Coping strategies Disconnect from electronics In-School/Out of School Responsibilities Know your limits Prioritize your involvements
Senior Memories H.S. isn’t just about preparing for college, or “life after graduation” The connections and experiences you make while here will help shape who you are. Carpe Diem - Make each day count! Enjoy the Experience Don’t put things off, get involved now. It goes faster than you think! The environment here is really special.
Opportunities Abound Many paths available to our kids Explore new elective courses, and identify likes and dislikes across subjects. Get involved in clubs, sports, or other activities Activity fair for students on Sept. 26th Henry Hunt, Athletic Director
Activity Fair (Some examples) Student Government Interact Club World Affairs Club Spanish Honors Society BARC Stars and Stripes Mock Trial Cooking for the homeless Ski Club Choir Math League Computer Club GSA Mini-THON The Phoenix Science Research Club See more on website
Where to go for support School Counselor / Guidance Office Nurse 267-893-2512 (Phone) mcurtis@cbsd.org / ddallam@cbsd.org Students can stop by guidance in-person anytime Nurse Please direct students to see the nurse in-person, instead of texting home for a pick-up/call-out. House Principal (hzaleski@cbsd.org) Teachers WANT to be involved as well Contact teachers directly for classroom specifics.
Advisory Forming Relationships More than just announcements Same teacher for 3 years. Same students for 3 years. More than just announcements Focused lessons and activities to build connections. “Office Hours” Every Wednesday Donna Start
Communication is Essential Your School Counselor is here! We are here to help guide both students and parents through high school Academic, personal/social, and college or career related topics Confidentiality Explained In our role, most things are kept private. If a student is in danger of hurting themselves, or someone else- you WILL be notified.
Communication Class of 2021 Guidance Page eBlasts CB West Website Go to www.CBSD.ORG -> “Schools” -> “Secondary Schools, West” -> “Departments, Guidance” ->“Class of 2021” eBlasts Be sure to have a working email in the portal CB West Website Go to “Parents” for several useful links Daily announcements, calendar, teacher websites Donna End
Naviance A website that students will use from now until graduation. College and Career tools are the main focus Your counselor will also use Naviance to communicate. Students will have full access soon, but not need access until 2nd Semester. We will show students how to login during advisory using their CBSD.org email. Mike Start
10th Gr. Timeline Advisory Winter Info Night (January 2019) We are checking in with students now Information is sent out throughout the year Winter Info Night (January 2019) Review choosing classes and program planning Highlight career/college related topics Review PSAT results, and explain next steps
10th Gr. Timeline Career Plan Career & College Connections Fully explained and introduced in February Helps students explore possible career paths It is difficult for students to start this exploration now, best use of their effort right now is to adjust to high school expectations and environment Career & College Connections We will help parents and students start to connect career interests with future plans towards the end of the year. Post-grad plans are a major focus of 11th grade
Standardized Testing Timeline PSAT- October 13th $23 paid online- www.mypaymentsplus.com PSAT – October of 10th / 11th Nat. Merit Consideration (11th) PreACT – Spring of 10th SAT/ACT- Spring of 11th SAT Subject Tests- as needed Unofficial list of schools AP Exams- May each year
These scores DO matter, BUT… There are a growing number of colleges which do not require SAT or ACT scores “Test Optional” considerations: An additional essay(s) Submission of a graded paper An interview Your student will have options after high school that are a good fit! Visit www.fairtest.org to learn more about “test optional” schools.
A Brief Overview of the 10th Grade PSAT
What is the PSAT? The SAT and ACT are used as part of college admissions/merit scholarships for many schools Exam scores are considered to be a snapshot of where students stand in terms of college preparation Practice and gain valuable experience for the SAT by taking the PSAT in October during 10th and 11th grades
Why not just take the SAT? Good Opportunity for Practice CollegeBoard account connected with Khan Academy tutoring, helping students prepare for the official test. PSAT costs less (a lot less) PSAT ($23) vs SAT ($64.50 w/ essay) Student scores are not seen by any colleges; completely used for practice & experience!
Oct 13th PSAT Registration Register online at www.mypaymentsplus.com Create a free account, or login if you have one Have your student’s school ID number ready After login, select “CB West PSAT Registration” Cost is $23 See your counselor if you have a financial need Registration closes on October 9th Space may run out, don’t wait to register!
PSAT Content / Detailed Info
Next Steps This presentation can be viewed again by going to the Class of 2021 guidance page. Plan to attend the Winter Info Night in January. PSAT on October 13th, PreACT in Spring