Growth mindset and & Questioning
This year’s objectives To develop deep and probing questioning for teaching/memory that elicits students to think hard, supporting a culture of ‘growth mindset’ and questioning for assessment that informs teaching. To embed a culture of ‘growth mindset’ across our learning community in order to raise aspirations and expectations of what students can achieve.
Hub 3: Objectives Review the designing of / use of MCQ. Growth Mindset – critique classroom aid. Measuring our success – Student voice Designing good quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to improve memory.
Review of MCQ Teacher Feedback.
Modelling a growth mind set (classroom aid)
Modelling a growth mind set (classroom aid)
Possible ways to measure our impact? Data comparison with other classes? Self/peer observations using iRIS. Student Voice?
Measuring our impact? Data Comparison - The basic impact calculator Sarah Gott
Measuring our impact? Student Voice Issues we identified with Questioning in Hub 1 Calling on high achievers disproportionately The same students volunteer answers (hands up) Depth of question (too simple / complex?) Not giving enough wait time Responding to a student answer and just moving on (IRE) Dealing with the response ‘I don’t know’ Dealing with wrong answers Our student voice should aim to assess if we’ve had an impact in any of these areas.
Measuring our impact? Student Voice Design some key questions to include on a student voice.
Measuring our impact? Self / peer observations - iRIS
Designing MCQ to use as hinge questions
Designing MCQ to use in assessments Pick a unit/topic from your subject area and design some Multiple Choice questions that could be used to form an assessment.
Joe Kirby
Complete initial student voice questionnaires by 7th February. Next Steps Complete initial student voice questionnaires by 7th February. Continue trialling MCQ – those who are able to comparing assessment data with a control group (across parallel groups). Aim to have 3 quizzes/tests completed in time for Hub 4.