SF6 Live tank circuit breakers Erik Backström, High Voltage Circuit Breakers SF6 Live tank circuit breakers Spare parts
Customer value proposition Spare parts Customer value proposition Value proposition for customer, Spare parts Guaranteed availability for at least 30 years after stop of production to meet repair or maintenance requirements. Quality and compabillity ensured Compliance with original type tests is ensured. Continuous product upgrades parts are by default quoted is applicable. Supply chain updated and maintained Order documents and drawings from 1960’s and forward available in factory archive. Common parts available in stock.
? Spare parts FAQ Frequently asked questions by customer For how long will ABB provide spare parts? Minimum 30 years after stop of production is guaranteed . However original order documents and drawings are available since the 1960´s thus enabling a spare parts supply for even longer. How long is the delivery time? Common parts and spare parts for breaker types that are still in production are available on stock and can be expedited with a couple of days(will generate additional express cost ). For older breaker types the delivery time depends on breaker type and the parts required I need to have short delivery times, how can that be secured? Option 1. Contract ABB to keep spare part stock locally. Option 2. Acquire spare part kit boxes. Preventive maintenance kit or Overhaul-kit. This will ensure availability when required Is it possible to get support for which types there is available spare parts? Yes with a list of the customer installed base, the factory can help with availability of spare parts. This is always indicated when a Risk assessment of the installed base is done by ABB.