Goulden Rule Driving School LLC Projected times and sessions for the Summer 2018 and 2018-2019 school year
Projected Sessions and Times Projected Summer 2019 dates These dates may change because of snow days. 1. Classroom education is scheduled for May 22nd 24th, and 31st from 6:00-8:00 PM at Holmes Junior High (rooms will be announced). Drive times will be arranged at this time. 2. The regular summer session will begin June 4th. Choose from one of the following class times: 6:00-8:00 AM, 8:00-10:00 AM, 10:00 - Noon. Classroom times are available on a first come first served basis. Classroom education will be Monday through Friday. Projected final class will be June 21st (34 hours).
State classroom and driving requirements for 2018 State law mandates that students successfully complete 30 hours of classroom (34 will be offered), 6 hours of driving (BTW), and 6 hours of observation concurrently. Students who miss more than two classroom sessions will not be able to meet the classroom requirements. PLEASE- If you anticipate conflicts because of vacations, camps, or other circumstances, please register for a class during the school year.
Driving Times Driving times are arranged by the instructor. Changes can be made in case of conflicts for reasonable situations (not vacations or camps). Times will be arranged in two hour segments between the hours of 6:00 AM – 2:30 PM. Students must obtain a minimum of 6 driving hours with a certified instructor. Students will be charged $50.00 for failure to show up for a driving time without a 24 hour notification.
School Year 2018-2019 Driver Education during the school year is split into four 9 week sessions according to the school calendar. We take the same breaks during the year as the Cedar Falls Schools. Specific dates and times will be provided on the CFHS home page and at the two junior highs ASAP. Projected Sessions are: A. August- October B. October – January C. January – March D. April - June
School Year 2017-2018 Continued Students may take the evening class at Holmes Junior High. Classes are from 6:00-8:30 PM Mondays and Wednesdays in room 10. Students may take the early bird session at Cedar Falls High School Tuesdays – Fridays, 6:30-7:30 AM in room 260. Driving times during the school year During study hall at Cedar Falls High School if possible. 3:15-5:15 or 5:30-7:30 (after school) when possible Saturday mornings (TBA)
How to Register? Registration forms are available in the offices and on the web sites at: Cedar Fall High School Peet Junior High Holmes Junior High Type “Jay Goulden” into any search engine
Cost The cost is $350.00. A $175.00 deposit should be sent in with the registration form and the balance paid at the beginning of class. Tuition for students who qualify for the free lunch program is paid by CFCS. Tuition for students who qualify for the reduced lunch program is $160.00.
Question or Concerns 1. Contact Jay Goulden at 319-277-3832 - Home 2. jgoulden@cfu.net 3. 319-415-8172- Cell 4. We look forward to serving the community.