Social Media and Communications Keeping it Classy in the Modern Workplace W 1
Objectives Knowledge: Students will be able to: Evaluate the pros and cons of social networking Explain why it is important to review an online post prior to posting Skills: Students will be able to: Analyze social media and communications to determine their appropriateness Communicate through social networking sites, and discussion boards in a business-appropriate manner 2
You, Yourself, and Your Online Reputation How can social networking help or hurt a person’s reputation? How would you define social networking? What are some social networking sites? Which of these sites do you use? Why did you choose these sites? Why do you not use social networking? 3
The Good and the Bad What are some pros and cons of social networking? Keep up with friends Your friends sites may contain offensive material Having a Web site shows employers you’re technologically savvy Parents and employers can see your every move Anyone can use them, for free Distraction during class and homework time Easy to communicate with peers and adults Other people can post pictures of you Breaking news is easily visible Predators can find online profiles It’s fun Cyber bullying 4
Why Worry About Posts? If used incorrectly, social networking can get a user into trouble. Examples: Being fired for inappropriate posts or pictures Posting rude and offensive comments Getting caught having a house party because someone posted pictures online Losing employment because your “friend” posted something racist on your profile 5
Personal Benefits of Social Networking Personal Benefits of Social Networking Personal “brand” Unique username One profile is better than none Help to “sell” yourself to employers Chance to practice writing Technologically savvy Employers get to know you 6
Guidelines Some things to keep in mind… Once something is put online, it may be there indefinitely and be difficult to remove Nothing is truly private. Potential employers can and probably will check your internet reputation Employers can fire people for things posted online Colleges and scholarships may check online posting of applicants. What are other examples of guidelines? 7
If Your Grandma Won’t Like it… Then it shouldn’t be online! What are some things that should not be posted on a social networking profile? Nudity, drugs, alcohol,racial, sexist remarks Anything that could compromise your job, your reputation or future *See supplementary files for this activity 8
Would you hire someone who had these elements on their social media account? 9
What’s Right and What’s Wrong? Are there rules and consequences associated with electronic communication? Do you know anyone who has gotten into trouble for using social networking sites at work? Should social networking be used on the boss’s time? If a company pays for you to have internet or a cell phone, should you use them for non-work related communication? Is it okay to post, blog, or write on a discussion board anything regarding work-related drama at your company? *See supplementary files for this activity 10
Google Yourself! Your teachers, parents, and employers will! How would you feel if a prospective employer Googled you? What are some examples of incorrect information they could find, especially if you have a common name? Now you try. Google yourself and see what comes up. List the top two links that come up. What makes them correct or incorrect? 11
How Private is Online Privacy? How can privacy be controlled? Why should privacy be controlled? What are some privacy control guidelines? Can people still view your information and profiles, even with privacy settings? 12
What’s “Normal” Mean? Social norms or mores are the rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. People who do not follow these norms may be shunned or suffer some kind of consequence. Can an online posting violate social norms? What impact can norm violation have on reputation? 13
“Normal” Work Behavior? If you were the manger of this restaurant would expect the employee to Tweet about you? "@calpizzakitchen black button ups are the lamest $#@% ever!!!." If you were a Taco Bell customer would you consider this to be “Normal” behavior?
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media List some do’s and don’ts. Which is the most important thing to remember from each category? Additional examples can be found on the next slide… Do’s of Social Media Don’ts of Social Media 15
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media List some do’s and don’ts. Which is the most important thing to remember from each category? Do’s of Social Media Don’ts of Social Media DO check your friends’ links DON’T list personal contact information DO assume that whatever you write will be seen by everyone DON’T post anything in anger: “Post in haste, repent in leisure” DO be careful about how you joke online DON’T put social media accounts on your resume unless they’re directly related DO post photos that won’t get you in trouble DON’T put inappropriate things in your “about me” or “info” sections in a profile DO adjust privacy settings DON’T use questionable usernames DON’T write anything bad about your job DON’T post inappropriate photos of you or your friends 16
Actually, it could be good. How can businesses use social media to their benefit? Advertising on social networking sites: Facebook: Groups and fan pages YouTube: Upload commercials on a company “channel” Twitter: Tweet about promotions or products What benefits do social network advertising have for businesses? 17
That’s Not All, Folks! What are some additional benefits companies can reap from using social media? Able to research consumers who post product reviews on the Web Able to scope out competitors by looking at their social networking sites Increasing the number of links your site has means it will show up higher on a search engine page 18
Examples of Employee Social Media Use 1. If you were the employer how would you feel about this post by a future employee?
Examples of Employee Social Media Use 2. Shout out to the good people of Glass, Lewis & Co. for placing a $170 order and not leaving a tip. @glasslewis — Brendan O’Connor (@OConnorB_) July 22, 2013 This tweet was made by a food truck employee towards the business purchasing food but not tipping. The employee was fired. How does the employee represent the company? If you were the company owner what would your response be to the negative Tweet?