Transportation BEGINNING ESL LESSON Transportation includes vehicles of all sort, but the car is the most common way people get around in modern developed countries. Survey your class by asking them what kind of car or vehicle they have. Recently, some car companies closed due to slow sales and cutbacks. BEGINNING ESL LESSON
car Cars use gas. Recently, President Obama backed a plan called “Cash for Clunkers”. Some people who had vehicles that used a lot of gas were able to buy new cars at a low cost.
convertible Convertibles are also called “rag tops”.
van Vans are great if you have a large family or run a childcare center. Some people live in vans because they can’t afford housing.
pickup truck The interior of a new pickup truck is as fancy as the interior of a new car.
suv SUVs have a problem with rolling over. If you have an SUV, be careful to slow down when driving around curves.
taxi New York City is famous for its yellow taxis. Taxis have their rates displayed in the cab. They charge passengers by the mile.
bus It takes buses longer to get places on a bus than on a car because the bus has to stop to pick passengers up and drop them off.
school bus Don’t go around a stopped school bus if its sign is displayed.
motorcycle Motorcycle drivers should always wear a helmet.
jeep Jeeps have four wheel drive which allows them to go off road.
tow truck Roadside assistance plans include towing, but there is a limit to the distance they will tow a vehicle. Upgrades in plans are usually available for an extra fee. Some tow trucks are flatbeds. If you have an expensive car, you should request a flatbed.
ambulance Most cities charge for ambulance service. It used to be free to call 911 and have ambulance service. Now, they charge if they transport a person. It’s expensive, too.
moving van MOVING VAN Moving vans are also called moving trucks. They are rented by the day and/or mile. If you don’t refill the truck with gas, the rental company will charge an extra fee plus the price of the gas.
semi truck Semi-trucks are also called 18 wheelers or tractor trailers. The front of the vehicle is called the cab and the back part is the trailer.
dump truck Dump trucks deliver sand, rocks, or dirt to construction sites. They are also used to carry sand, rocks, or dirt away.
cement truck The mixer on cement trucks spin around. This is how the cement is mixed. Cement is made from sand and water. Cement is used to make driveways, parking lots, floors of houses, street lights, and more.
golf cart Most golf carts run on batteries. They are called electric golf carts. Golf carts have no sides. This makes it easy for golfers to jump in and out of the cart.
scooter Scooters are foot operated. They provide good exercise for children and they help them develop and improve their sense of balance.
bicycle Cities are starting to develop bike, jogging, and walking routes to encourage people to exercise more.
tricycle Children learn how to ride a tricycle before they ride a bicycle. The prefix ‘tri” means three.
unicycle Learning to ride a unicycle takes a lot of practice. The rider leans the cycle down so that the seat is under his or her bottom. Then he or she puts one foot on a peddle and tries to hop on with the other foot.
horse Before there were cars people rode horses. Horses need to be feed, so it’s expensive to own a horse. They also need to be taken care of and that requires a lot of effort.
horse & buggy Horses and buggies are still used by Quakers. Quakers are a religious group. They avoid some modern conveniences.
motorhome Motor homes are driven. They use a lot of gas, but they save money on hotel fees. Some people live in their motor homes to save money on rent.
train This is a locomotive. The locomotive is in the front of the train. It helps pull it. Trains have a cow catcher in the front.
subway Subways have trains that run on tracks. They run under cities.
airplane Airplane travel is usually cheaper than train travel. It’s a lot fast, too.
helicopter Helicopters are also called whirly birds. Helicopters make a loud noise.
feet The English expression “two left feet” means that someone is clumsy.
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