Becoming the force we want to be


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Presentation transcript:

Becoming the force we want to be Stakeholder presentation

Why are we changing our Policing approach? Like most public services we are… Facing significant increases in demand. This level of demand is challenging our ability to respond, to problem solve, and to achieve our aspirations to be more preventative. Facing significant financial pressure. The Chief Constable has talked publicly that funding has reached a ‘tipping point’. 18/19 financial settlement (inc. precept increase) was better than expected – but still significant ongoing savings required (£6.4m pa)

New policing approach

Key features of the new Approach Aim is to achieve better outcomes at reduced cost… Maintaining neighbourhood policing as the bedrock of the force – and investing significantly in officer numbers to improve our preventative, partnership work Increasing the number of detectives in Investigations focused on serious / complex crime Route non-emergency, non-urgent incidents through telephone resolution, rather than physical deployment – will enable us to tackle calls for service, better and more efficiently Streamline our response policing from three hubs, and focus response officers on emergency and urgent incidents Aim to implement the new approach in the north (June) and in the south (July)

Response hubs We’re moving to a borderless, streamlined response policing service – aimed at improving our ability to respond to emergency and urgent incidents Will create three hubs at strategic locations across the county – from where response officers will book-on before being deployed to key locations around the county This ‘borderless’ response service will enable us to better serve our communities – and mobile technology means that they can stay out on patrol for longer, improving visibility in our communities This borderless approach will improve resilience and service compared to the previous approach with small response teams based at police stations focused on their areas only New technology will improve our dispatch function, helping our officers to more effectively respond to key incidents

Resolution centres To help the force better manage demand and to increase public convenience and speed of service, we have created a resolution centre to help the public and businesses reporting non-emergency and non-urgent incidents. Where physical deployment is unnecessary officers and trained investigators will contact victims and provide advice, support and resolution – speeding up significantly the current system and enabling us to achieve better outcomes for victims Improved technology will enable callers to upload CCTV and other evidence, sign statements electronically and receive online updates Will link crime and influence deployment A resolution centre will be created in the north, west and east of the county

Investigations Staffordshire faces growing complexity of crime – child sexual exploitation, gangs and youth violence, modern day slavery Re-establishing a CID function in the north and south – and adding 50 detectives to improve outcomes This will be provide the capacity to improve investigative outcomes of serious and complex crime Key aim is to raise investigative standards including digital investigations – and in particular online CSE

Neighbourhood and partnership policing Will be subject to major investment in the new Model – as a result of the PCC’s precept increase and the Chief Constable’s decision to reduce the overtime budget 88 more officers will police our neighbourhoods from July 2018 – with a further 20 in September and more in 2019 and 2020. Will also see an extra 20 investigative staff – providing more capacity to deliver routine investigations at a local level PCSOs will provide a crucial role of the Model Our neighbourhood teams will continue to be based in our communities

New neighbourhood teams All 10 neighbourhood policing teams will be Chief Inspector-led, co-terminous with LA boundaries Neighbourhood team responsibilities will range from ASB through to Organised Criminal Gangs The focus will be on prevention and early intervention – working collaboratively with partners to problem-solve root causes and help achieve sustainable improvements in our communities Multi-skilled teams – PCs, IOs, PCSOs Move from co-location to integration Will lead to stronger partnerships (PLACE) Deliver stronger partnerships locally (MARAC)