Early Childhood Education Amanda Zeier
Background Information Began in mid-1800s in Kindergarten in private home Head Start-mid-1960s Illinois-1985 250 thousand children attend preschool each year Pre-K in 45 states by 2006
Our Mission “Our primary mission is to meet the developmental needs of the whole child in a warm and nurturing environment. Children are our first priority in anything we do. We make sure the children are happy and ready to learn every day. It is essential to support children to develop skills necessary to construct their own knowledge and prepare them for their next school environment.”
Infants 6 weeks to age 3 Parents as teachers provides parents with child development knowledge and parenting support Parenting Tips Reading together builds early literacy and motivation Babies listen from birth even only 5 months in the womb Nursery rhymes attract attention With babies: Pick one or two rhymes to use before bedtime. She will like to hear the same rhyme over and over and will begin to associate it with being sleepy. This will help her go to sleep.
Preschool Ages 3 to 5 Preparation: Is your child ready? Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional Hands-on approach Websites for preschoolers Abc Toon Center http://www.abctooncenter.co m/ Chateau Meddybemps http://www.meddybemps.co m/
Kindergarten Stimulate children’s curiosity to learn more about the world around them Literacy Noticing words in stores, class, and all around them Math Counting cubes, number rods, other materials such as cookies and candy to count Science Plants, animals, weather, seasons Social Studies Rules to get along Forming opinions and issues
First Grade Literacy Math Science Social Studies Print words legibly Locate main idea and details Math Count to 100 by one’s, two’s, five’s, and ten’s Add and subtract numbers up to and from 10 Science Observations of the natural world Weather, plants, animals Social Studies Use maps and globes
Second Grade Literacy reading without stopping to figure out words Story writers (personal and 3rd person) Math Add and subtract double digits Understand meaning of multiplication and division Science Earth and natural resources Social Studies Learn about people and places of their local communities and regions, and compare them to other communities and regions.
Third Grade Literacy Maps, webs, venn diagrams Reports, creative fiction, and personal narratives Math Larger numbers, fractions, decimals, odd & even numbers Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Science Sun, moon, planets Solids, liquids and gas Social Studies Natural environment
School Activity For All Ages Recycling Recycling can be a fun and easy activity for all ages. Children will learn how they can make a difference in the environment. Here is a video to help children get motivated and want to recycle on their own: http://player.discoveryeduca tion.com/index.cfm?guidAs setId=4AA31BE7-E054- 4C10-987F- 064C126EA177&blnFromS earch=1&productcode=US