Reception Class Autumn 2018 Welcome to Reception Class! Mathematics We will be counting groups of objects and looking at the children’s current understanding of number. We will be talking about more and less and comparing quantities. We will be exploring shapes and patterns and developing the children’s language to describe them. Communication, Language and Literacy We are focussing on our listening, speaking and understanding of instructions and stories. We will be introducing the letters and their corresponding sounds. We will be reading a variety of stories and nursery rhymes. Understanding the World Our topic this term is Ourselves. We will talk about belonging to a class and that we are all different. We will be talking about our family members and pets. We will be exploring the world through our senses of touch, feel, smell and taste. ICT We will be learning how to use a number of programmes on the classroom computers. Physical Development We will be practising our fine and gross motor skills through a range of activities including painting, threading, cutting, balancing, throwing, tracing, running, climbing and riding bikes and scooters. We will be promoting independent self-care for getting dressed, washing our hands and going to the toilet. Expressive Arts & Design We will be using our imagination to act out roles in the home corner and the hospital role play area. We will be learning a variety of new songs. We will be exploring a variety of techniques and materials to produce paintings, collages and models. Jigsaw The topic this half term is Being Me In My World. Through assemblies and circle time we will be talking about making relationships and managing feelings and our behaviour. Personal Social and Emotional Development We will be learning new routines and class rules. We will be encouraging children to share and play co-operatively and to make independent choices. Home Activities Please share the book with your child, asking them to retell the story in sentences. Fill in the ‘All about Me’ booklet.