Animal Systems 11/26/2018
Good morning! On the next page of your notebook do the following: Title the page: Animal Body Systems Make sure that you put it in your table of contents Underneath the title, write this essential question: EQ: What are the different body systems and how do they interact? 11/26/2018
What body systems do I know? Make a list of the body systems that you know on a scrap piece of paper You will share this with your group and with the class 11/26/2018
Card sort Take the papers with the card sort on them and cut out the cards Work with your groups to place the cards where they belong on the chart Have me check your work, then glue it down Glue this chart in your notebook 11/26/2018
Human Body systems worksheet Work on the human body systems worksheet Put it in your notebook 11/26/2018
Most missed body systems Endocrine system – hormones Hormones make you cry Think of it as the endocrying system Integumentary system – hair, skin, nails Think of it as the Skintegumentary system Excretory system – urinary Wastes exit your body (urine) Think of it as the exitory system Circulatory system – blood and nutrients moving Blood moves in a circle in your body Think of it as the circletory system 11/26/2018
Turn notebook sideways and make this chart we will fill it out as a class Body systems work together for… Defense Reproduction Regulation Absorption Protect against illness and injury Making babies Maintaining balance (homeostasis) Take in nutrients 11/26/2018
Interactions card sort Take the papers with the card sort on them and cut out the cards Work with your groups to place the cards where they belong on the chart Have me check your work, then glue it down Glue this chart in your notebook 11/26/2018
Gallery walk Put chart for gallery walk in your notebook Go to the 5 stations and completely fill out the chart 11/26/2018
Human body systems interactions questions Answer the 4 questions Tape it in your notebook 11/26/2018