South Asia Chapters 28 & 29 Pages 588 - 631
History of India 1. Original Indians (1700BC – 3300BC) Indus Valley Civilization: Mohenja-daro and Harappa 2. Aryans (2500BC – 322BC) India’s Root Culture Hinduism Begins Caste System Created 3. The Mauryan Empire (322BC – 188BC) Spread of Buddhism
History of India 4. Gupta Period (320AD – 480AD) Golden Age of India 5. Muslim Period (1175AD – 1800AD) Turks and Mughals 6. European Rule (1800AD – 1947AD) Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English 7. Independence and Democratic India Religious Conflict – Partition Indian Life
5 Themes of Geography Pakistan Location Place Region Movement Human-Environment Interaction
10 Questions Pg. 621 – 625 As a team, create 10 questions about Afghanistan, Nepal & Bhutan & Sri Lanka Example: Which country has the most Buddhists? Then, teams will ask each other questions. The team with the most correct wins.