#7 - AIM: What happened after the Partition? 34.1
Nehru - India [1947-1984] Jawaharlal Nehru: First Prime Minister (17 years) – devoted follower of Ghandi More secular Democracy -
Social Modernization Pushed for social programs to elevate the status of lower classes Helped women gain rights promised by the constitution
Economic Modernization Build power plants, dams Left established industries in private hands Stayed neutral in the Cold War – did not side with either USSR or US
Nehru – India’s First Prime Minister – 1947 to 1964 Nehru – India’s First Prime Minister – 1947 to 1964. His only child, Indira Gandhi, has been the longest-serving Prime Minister 1966-1977 and 1980-1984.
Indira Gandhi – Nehru’s Daughter Indira Gandhi Prime Minister (1966-1984) Capable but many challenges But issued harsh policies as reaction to unrest Threat from Sikh extremists who wanted a state of their own
Sikh Extremist Leader Bhindranwale believed Sikhs were the victims of Hindu discrimination. He and his followers seized the Golden Temple of Amritsar in 1983. Operation Blue Star was ordered by Indira Ghandi in June, 1984. Bhindranwale was killed during the military take-over of the temple. Sikh bodyguards killed Mrs. Gandhi on October 31, 1984.
Sikhism Holiest Place – The Golden Temple of Amritsar was the site of a siege in 1984 that left 1,000 dead.
Indira Gandhi - Assassinated Indian army killed 500 Sikhs and destroyed sacred property at the Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguard killed her – son Rajiv Gandhi will run – he will also be assassinated
Son of Indira Gandhi, Grandson of Nehru – Rajiv Gandhi India’s Prime Minister 1984-1989. Assassinated by a female Tamil Tiger Suicide Bomber in 1991. The 24 year old assassin placed a garland of sandalwood around Rajiv’s neck and bent down as if to touch his shoe. She triggered an explosive belt killing herself, the P.Minister and 15 others. He had sent troops to Sri Lanka to aid the government in defeating the Tamil Tiger insurgency.
Pakistan At first Pakistan – 2 separate states – East and West Separated by 2,000 miles of Indian Territory Very different, culture, language, history, geography and ethnicity. Only Islam united them.
E. Pakistan to Bangladesh 1970 – cyclone struck East Pakistan, 266,000 killed West Pakistan did not transfer funds to East Pakistan to help 1971 – East Pakistan declared independence – now Bangladesh 1991 – Another cyclone, 139,000 killed 2002 – Water problems (NYT Article)
21st century – Some instability India will overtake China’s pop by 2035 Some social inequalities & religious strife Environment-pollution-water Yet, government today described as world’s largest democracy
Nuclear Issue-Relationship with Pakistan 1974: India exploded a “peaceful” nuclear device 1998: India conducted 5 underground nuclear tests Pakistan now has nuclear weapons also
India Today Population to exceed China by 2035. Today (2011), India 1.2 billion China 1.3 billion Outsourcing Major problems with pollution
Kashmir Province – Majority Muslim India annexed Kashmir because Ruler Hindu, majority Muslim population – headwaters irrigated millions of acres of farmland in India Disputed region since 1947 1949 UN Cease fire 1/3 of Kashmir under Pakistan control 2/3 to India