The easiest and most effective way to manage your HR documentation and communication is your own employee handbook, branded and bespoke for your organisation Branded sites suited to your specifications Featuring your own logo and colour schemes
Our HR experts work with you to write content that meets your business needs A menu of content written for you by our HR Experts Example list of policy documents included
All of your employees have access to the site and have their own login Login screen – everyone has their own login Example list of policy documents included
Buttons to frequently used pages Employees can easily find everything they need to know about their employment with you This is the employee dashboard Search facility Menu of content Lo everyone has their own Buttons to frequently used pages Login screen – everyone has their own lo Holiday & absence summary Announcements & recent updates
Starting with information about the company Content is presented in a logical order for new starters, providing invaluable induction support Starting with information about the company A summary of how to use the site to get you started ogin screen – everyone has the o n Quick links e eryone has their own login
Electronic forms help to streamline HR administration and save more time New starters can complete a new starter form online A copy of the form can be automatically sent to payroll
A section on standards and codes of conduct will help set expectations There is clear guidance on your codes of conduct to help set employee expectations A section on standards and codes of conduct will help set expectations You can have rules around all areas of your business e.g. how to notify absence Your rules on requesting and authorising holiday
Policies available at anytime & always up to date HR policies are drafted for you to provide protection, flexibility and to meet legal requirements Menu of Policies Policies available at anytime & always up to date
Our experts update the content so you are never out of date If something does change, employees are notified
Updates and changes are clearly communicated to employees (by email) Holiday notifications A page summarising all recent updates Announcements easy to see Messages relating to holidays Latest updates
With the holiday module you can view a calendar for everyone in each ‘holiday group’ View who is on holiday or off for other reasons Set up different holiday groups Record holiday, sickness, family friendly and other absence View & print a list of holidays you have booked
Information about holidays is at your fingertips Employees can see their holiday entitlement (and absence record) at a glance View & print a list of holidays you have booked
There are also areas for Managers and those looking after HR Guidance for managers Guidance for HR on new starters, leavers and much more
You can add further non-HR content You can add Health and Safety documents Add industry specific policies You can add documents that can be downloaded
1 2 3 4 We take care of your HR so you don’t have to! A branded employee HR documentation drafted and tailored to your business by HR experts handbook that makes your HR documentation accessible to all employees and supports other HR requirements 3 4 When your site is up and running we manage and maintain, keeping you up to date and legally compliant Communication is improved with employees having access to no matter where they are We take care of your HR so you don’t have to!
call us on 01702 216573 or visit The easiest and most effective way to manage your HR documentation and communication For more information call us on 01702 216573 or visit