Lynn Egan, JD HIT Summit – HHS/ONC Initiatives Senior Advisor to the Director, OPR September 26, 2006 Visit our website at:
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) Established in response to Executive Order 13335, April 27, 2004 Responsible for realizing the President’s vision of consumer centered, information rich healthcare: Widespread adoption of interoperable EHR within 10 years Ensure appropriate information at time and place of care Medical information follows the consumer Clinicians have complete, computerized patient information Ensure secure and protected health information Quality initiatives measure performance and drive quality-based competition Public health activities seemlessly integrated into care EO1335 (a) Ensures approp. info avail at time/place of care; (b) Improves quality, reduces errors, and advance appropriate, evidence-based medical care; (c) Reduces costs resulting from inefficiency, medical errors, inappropriate care, and incomplete information; (d) Promotes effective marketplace, competition, and choice through information on health care costs, quality, and outcomes; (e) Improves the coordination of care through an effective infrastructure for the secure and authorized exchange of health care information; and (f) Ensures that health information is secure and protected.
Publication of a Strategic Framework: July 2004 Goal 1: Inform Clinical Practice Goal 3: Personalize Care Strategic Framework Goal 4: Improve Population Health Goal 2: Interconnect Clinicians Inform Clinical Practice Incentivize EHR Adoption Reduce Risk of EHR Investment Promote EHR Diffusion in Rural and Underserved Areas Interconnect Clinicians Foster Regional Collaboration Develop Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Coordinate Federal Health Information Systems Personalize Care Use of Personal Health Records Enhance informed consumer choice Promote use of Telehealth systems Improve population health Surveillance architectures Streamline quality and health status monitoring Accelerate research and dissemination of evidence into practice
Efforts to drive toward interoperable HIE Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 160 – 08/19/05 IO - Serves as the Secretary's principal advisor (TNC) on the development, application, and use of health information technology. OHITA - Identifies health information technology strategies, and works with other relevant HHS offices to implement these strategies and monitor outcomes in fulfillment of the President's goals. OIS - Provides leadership in the development and implementation of a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure. OPC - Ensures complete integration of all efforts across ONC and supports the dissemination and adoption of the Administration's policy on health information technology. OPR - Supports and coordinates efforts that inform policy decisions related to health IT. DRAFT Strategic Plan published 06/13/06 - internal strategic planning tool developed to articulate goals, objectives, and strategies in support of the President’s health IT goals for the adoption of interoperable healthcare. Intended to be a working document to share with key partners inside the Federal government and to highlight potential issues, opportunities, and actions. Efforts to drive toward interoperable HIE Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 160 – 08/19/05
ONC Major Initiatives The goal is widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) within 10 years. ONC has undertaken the following efforts to drive adoption of interoperable EHRs: HHS advisory committee (AHIC) Standards Harmonization (HITSP) Compliance Certification (CCHIT) Nationwide Health Information Network Prototypes Privacy and Security Solutions (co-manage AHRQ contract) Physician Self-Referral (Stark) and Anti-Kickback Regulations (CMS and OIG regulations) State-level HIE initiatives AHIC: American Health Information Community. Seven work groups: Biosurveillance; EHRs; Chronic Care; Consumer Empowerment; Confidentiality, privacy and security; and quality All workgroups will be presenting 2007 workplans at October and December AHIC meetings. HITSP: Health Information Technology Standards Panel Run by the American national Standards Institute (ANSI) Final standards for use cases to be named in October CCHIT: Certification Commission for Health IT criteria and evaluation process for certifying EHRs and the infrastructure or network components through which they interoperate Ambulatory EHR 1st round certified in July; inpatient certification criteria anticipated this fall inpatient care EHRs 9/07; infrastructure or network components 9/08 NHIN: Four consortia: Accenture, CSC, IBM and Northrop Grumman Nationwide utility for secure seamless HIE Proposed security models 9/06; revenue and cost models 10/06, prototype live demo 12/06. RTI: Research Triangle International. K = Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange (AHRQ 290-05-0015). HISPC (Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration) refers to the subcontracting efforts of 33 states and 1 territory under this contract Stark and AnK safeharbors: Aug. 1, 2006 pub’d; Oct. 10, 2006 eff Cost sharing (15%), interoperability, software/training and support services (not hardware), and sunset provisions State-level HIE FORE contract determine successful governance, legal, financial and operational characteristics Tech assist to local HIE efforts Bridge to NHIN and other states Etc. - develop consensus on guiding principles for states organizing HIE initiatives - Final report and workbook at end of Sept.
For More Information Visit… AHIC and Workgroup Meetings October 31, 2006 (AHIC); 200 Independence Ave, SW, Room 800, WDC NHIN Forum: Health Information Network Security and Services October 16-17th, 2006 JW Marriott Hotel Pennsylvania Avenue, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, WDC Certification Criteria and Inspection Process (CCHIT) Health IT Standards Panel (HITSP) RTI Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange AHRQ-Funded Projects < Collaborations & Activities < Privacy & Security Sign up for ONC listserv