LO: To explain what happened in the War of the Roses


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Presentation transcript:

LO: To explain what happened in the War of the Roses

Money Power Respect Starter: Why would you want to be King 1000 years ago? What would happen if two rich people both wanted to be King? Money 10 Power Respect

L.O. LO: To explain what happened in the War of the Roses By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US will be able to give a description of The War of the Roses including at least three facts. (3-4) EVEN BETTER IF you can describe The War of the Roses in two accurate, specific sentences. (5) EXCELLENT IF you can describe The War of the Roses in three accurate, specific sentences. (6-7) CHALLENGE!!! CAN YOU DESCRIBE THE WAR OF THE ROSES AND ORDER IN A DETAILED, ACCURATE PARAGRAPH? (8)

KEY WORDS Civil War: When people in the same country fight. Succession: When the person that becomes the new King or Queen next is decided by how close they are to the last King or Queen. 5

The Wars: Introduction When King Edward III died, lots of people wanted to take his place as King. This made them angry with each other. Different families went to war with each other over this, under two different symbols – the White Rose of York, and the Red Rose of Lancaster.

Task Draw the two flowers, and label them; Lancaster 10 York

The War of the Roses From ____ – 1480, many of the powerful people in ______ got dragged into a fight about who should be king. Almost all the ____ people in England chose sides. One side was the ________ side, who took a red rose as their symbol. The other side was the ____ side, who took a white rose as their symbol. At the end of the war in 1485, a new family of kings took control, the _____ family, with King Henry VII. Henry VII was a very _____ king, and he weakened the rich powerful people so that he could stay in power. He made Parliament stronger, but not the rich people. 10 York 1455 Lancaster England rich Tudor strong

Questions – Answer in full sentences Why did a war start? When did the war start and when did it end? What did the rich people in the country do? What were the two sides? What were the two symbols used by the different sides? Which King did they both come from? When did the war end? What was the name of the new family that took control? Was Henry VII a strong king or a weak king? Who did Henry VII work with? 15 Extension: When the Yorkists (White Rose) finally won, they tried to make peace. They combined the two symbols of York and Lancaster – I want you to do this now!! Colour in to show the new symbol!

Plenary Self Assessment: Complete the following task: 3B-3A: Describe what happened in the war of the roses 4C-4A: Explain why the war of the roses happened 5C: Show how the new king was able to keep control of England. Level: WWW: Signed: EBI: Date: L.O. LO: To explain what happened in the War of the Roses By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US will be able to describe the events of the war of the roses. (3B-3A) EVEN BETTER IF you can explain why the war of the roses took place. (4C-4A) EXCELLENT IF you can make a judgement to show how the new King was able to keep control. (5C).