LYMPHOEDEMA What is it? Where can you get it? How many classes of Lymphoedema are there?
Primary Lymhoedema
Secondary Lymphoedema
Lipoedema (Painful fat syndrome)
Obesity Related
Skin changes Thickness of the skin increases Build up of horny scales on the surface Skin creases deepen Warty appearance, over time Stemmer’s sign positive- can be absent in early stages Pitting/non pitting Fibrosis
Stemmer’s Sign
Peau D’Orange
Malignant Disease
Treatments involved Maintenance; Skin care Exercise and use of the limb Compression Garments Simple Lymphatic Drainage Massage Posture Healthy eating advice Sign posting to Lymphoedema Support Network
Treatments involved Intensive Coban bandaging Medical/Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Kinesiology taping Compression Garments Self lymphatic drainage massage Intermittent Pneumatic Compression therapy i.e.. Lymphassist Low Level Light Therapy New treatments; LV anastomosis, Liposuction, Lymph node transplant
Kinesiology Taping
The Lymphoedema Team Consists of; Vickie Mathias – Manager Kim wilcox – Lymphoedema Practitioner Shelley Ellis – Lymphoedema Practitioner (O/T) Ali O’Connor – Lymphoedema Practitioner Jane Spiers – HCA Pat Lipscome – HCA Jane Hutton – Clerical officer
How To Refer On the Intranet standard referral form (BMI, ?If Housebound, ?D.N’s involved) Only accept medical referrals You can always ring for advice if not sure 0300 4228750
Conclusion It is often devastating, debilitating, stressful and painful with frequent feeling of isolation. Too often , because of professional ignorance, appropriate treatment is denied to these patients. It is our role, of all healthcare professionals, to understand and provide the care that is essentially needed.