Online Services By Imogen Threlfall
What is an online service? An online service provider can for example be an internet service provider, email provider, news provider, entertainment provider, search, e-shopping site, e-finance or e-banking site, e-h.ealth site, e-government site.
Entertainment This is a service that keeps the user entertained. For example; iplayer, xbox live and netflix. This benefits the user as… Keeps the user entertained; Can be accessed any time of day; Can catch up on missed series and watch them all at once; Can play games and chat to the people your playing with; Eco-friendly entertainment
Communication Communication is a service that helps users communicate wherever they are through the internet, example of these are Facebook, word press; Skype and Hotmail. You can talk to family/friends when abroad, or when they have moved away; It enables people to keep in touch; It helps business’ across Europe have meetings; Instant message's; Free.
Real- time information This service updates the user with what is happening around the world. For example BBC weather/news, bus times and opening times. This updates people of what’s happening around the world; Weather for the day so users know what to wear; Let people know opening time for shops; Times for buses, trains and aeroplane’s so users aren’t late; It can tell you where traffic is and routes around the traffic.
Commerce Commerce is a service online that is to do with money, eg. Online shopping, banking, online auction and retail like ebay, newlook and TBS. This benefits users by; If they are fat and lazy they can buy stuff on the couch; If your busy you can quickly check bank statements through your phone/computer; You can checks if clothes you want to buy are in stock and reserve them in the shop for you to pick up; You can get bargains on ebay!
Government A service used online for tax returns, e-voting, applications for services and revenue collection. E.g. e- voting, tax returns and revenue collection. This helps the user by; Saving time and not going to the post office; On time payments;
Download Services Download services is a service online that used to download music, apps, software and films eg. Itunes This helps people not buying things from shops; To save time; To save money on sales on the internet; Any film and song;
Education/Vitual Learning This online service applies services for students to do homework, course work, revision eg. mymaths and moodle. This benefits them by; Helps students know what they are doing out of school times; To prepare for exams; Online homework to do at home; Advice on what to do
Business This is an online service online that you use to help/do business. It is a positive service! E.g. video conferencing through facetime, collaborative working. This benefits users by; Manage your business at your office and know where everything is; Make a business through websites; Quick replies from business’ around the world.