Mrs. Peloso Eleventh year teaching, sixth year at Newtown Elementary Undergraduate degree in Elementary Education, Master’s degree in Special Education Grew up in Bucks County and currently live in Doylestown
8:50-9:20 9:20-10:05 10:10-11:10 11:10-12:10 Homeroom/Morning Work/Meeting ELA or Specials Snack/Social Studies or ELA
12:10-1:10 1:10-2:10 2:15-3:05 3:05-3:35 Math Recess/Lunch Science Clinic **Chorus will be on Wednesday afternoon from 2:50-3:35**
Monday: Music Tuesday: Chromebooks Wednesday: Art Thursday: Library Friday: Gym
MATH – Glencoe 4th year using this program Common Core- less topics, but more in depth Students NEED to advocate for themselves HW will be using online text, workbook or other pages given in class
Council Rock’s core reading program Includes literature, phonics, writing, spelling, grammar and vocabulary
5 Domains of Writing Writing Process Mini-lessons Conferencing Revising/Peer Editing Most writing will be done as part of the Collections program
Students will be learning about the following units this year Astronomy (Peloso) Cells, Heredity and Classification (Kaehler) Levers and Pulleys (Eckelmeyer) Variables (Peloso)
Harcourt Brace Social Studies Evaluations (tests, quizzes, classwork, projects) Study skills Outlining Flashcards Note taking strategies Organization Mnemonic devices Culture Day in November
What we’ll be studying… Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica (Peloso) India (Kaehler) China (Eckelmeyer) Egypt (Peloso)
Here is what you can expect on a nightly basis: About 60 minutes (written, studying, reading) Here is what you can expect on a nightly basis: Math Reading (20-25 minutes a night) Log reading using Biblionasium Directions for Biblionasium will be posted to Google Classroom
Homework policy: Students need to be reading every night Students responsibility to make up any missed work when absent (check Google Classroom) Assignments books only need to be signed if missing homework becomes an issue
Technology Students will being using Google Chromebooks again (No more H drives) Can access Google Drive from home (directions on my website) We’ll be using Google Classroom throughout the year Student’s responsibility to check the different classrooms for assignments, announcements, etc.
Communication Test Folders/Weekly Newsletter: All assessments and classwork will be sent home in blue test folders on a weekly/biweekly basis. You just need to sign the yellow sheet acknowledging you reviewed your child’s work All assessments/classwork need to be returned in the folder in a timely manner Weekly newsletters will be e-mailed and posted to Google Classroom to help keep you updated and informed of what we are learning and any important dates.
School-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (SPBSS) Four Themes Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Sportsmanship We will also focus on leadership, kindness and growth mindset Knights Honor Behavior Notices/Restorative Agreements
Peanut/Tree Nut Safe School Snacks eaten in the classroom MUST be peanut/tree nut free Approved treats are posted on my website
Reminders Please complete the parent survey (found on my webpage. Please try to complete by September 28th! I will be sending out conference sign ups soon Remember to update your HAC information Write a note back to your child and fill in how well do you know your child