The University of Denver Portfolio Community Julanna Gilbert, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Director Center for Teaching and Learning Jeff Rutenbeck, Associate Professor School of Communication Director of Digital Media Studies Paul Ross Manager Faculty Technology Center
Framework for a Portfolio System Context – programmatic, institutional, professional, cultural Purposes: Presentation Community/Sharing Asset Management Evaluation Development or deployment Open source (e.g., OSPI) Commercial (e.g., Blackboard ePortfolio) Home grown (e.g., DU Portfolio Community) Transformation (of practices and tools)
University of Denver Private institution founded in 1864 450 full-time faculty 10,000 students 4300 undergraduates Graduate programs Professional schools (Law, Psychology, Social Work) University College (adult learning) The Women’s College Rick’s Center (K-8), University High School (9-12)
The Evolution of DUPC 2000 - Concept developed by School of Communication faculty team ($230,000 grant from the Sturm Family Foundation) 2002 - Project moved to DU’s Center for Teaching & Learning more academic units involved more in-house support (people and funds) Faculty Electronic Portfolio Committee formed September 2002 – DUPC launched, 5 major releases since then October 2004 – 6400 portfolios including 540 faculty portfolios, 28,000 items (of many different types)
DUPC: Distinguishing Features Portfolios for individuals, courses, communities Community philosophy Flexible and open One portfolio may serve many audiences Accommodates wide range of digital objects Directly accessible to the audience (Google-able, simple URL) Search Capabilities Evolve beyond Paper & Traditional Web-based Portfolios Facilitate connections with others inside and outside the DU community
DUPC: Distinguishing Features Portfolios for individuals, courses, communities Comprehensive assessment management system Faculty driven Rubric library, Rubric builder Processes customized by each academic unit Based on authentic student work Reporting tools Fully integrated with campus systems Maturing application, campus wide usage Evolve beyond Paper & Traditional Web-based Portfolios Facilitate connections with others inside and outside the DU community
Brief Demonstration Portfolio System Student, Faculty, Staff, Course, Community Portfolios Editing a Portfolio Searching Portfolios Assessment System Student Uploads Assessment Manager Rubric Library, Rubric Builder Reporting Tools Evolve beyond Paper & Traditional Web-based Portfolios Facilitate connections with others inside and outside the DU community
Technical Information System fully integrated with SCT Banner Hosted on campus (Sun) JSP/Tomcat based, Oracle backend Over 300 screens No storage quotas for users In-house development and support group located in DU’s Center for Teaching and Learning Explain the different upload process for portfolios and assessment. UTS/CTL cooperation, to create views and methods of access. Current Capacity 16,000 users at 10 Mb per participant, mention the current focus is not to limit the total size of a portfolio but to monitor the total usage.
Where are “we” going? General trajectories Open source systems Low costs for software Most are in early stages of development Take time to evolve, costs can grow
Where are “we” going? General trajectories Commercial systems Major vendors just now getting into the market Lacking in assessment management Can be expensive up front
Where are “we” going? General trajectories Home grown Can be customized to suit local needs Can be developed/revised quickly (with sufficient resources) More schools developing their own system Difficult to share/integrate across systems
Where are “we” going? University of Denver Continue to work with academic units on assessment Continue to respond to input from users Continue to innovate portfolio and assessment functionality Explore collaboration with other institutions Questions? Comments?