Quote of the Day Mathematical rigor is like clothing; in its style it ought to suit the occasion, and it diminishes comfort and restrains freedom of movement if it is either too loose or too tight. -G. F. Simmons
Use Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion Section 13.6
Objectives: Compare measures of central tendency and dispersion
Key Vocabulary: Measure of dispersion Range Mean absolute deviation
Central Tendency
Example 1: The heights (in feet) of 8 waterfalls in the state of Washington are listed below. What measure of central tendency best represents the data? 1000, 1000, 1181, 1191, 1200, 1268, 1328, 2584
#1: Complete. In Example 1, suppose you eliminate the greatest data value, 2584. Which measure of central tendency best represents the remaining data? Explain.
Measures of Dispersion A measure of dispersion describes the dispersion, or spread, of data
Measures of Dispersion
Example 2: The top 10 finishing times (in seconds) for runner in two men’s races are given. The times in a 100 meter dash are in set A, and the times in a 200 meter dash are in set B. Compare the spread of the data for the two sets using (a) the range and (b) the mean absolute deviation. A: 10.62, 10.94, 10.98, 11.05, 11.13, 1115, 11.28, 11.29, 11.32 B: 21.37, 21.40, 22.23, 22.23, 22.34, 22.34, 22.36, 22.60, 22.66, 22.73
Partner Work Page 877 #3, 5, 10, 13, 15
Homework Assignment Page 877 #4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 22