Luke 22:59-62 (NKJV) 59 Then after about an hour had passed, another confidently affirmed, saying, “Surely this fellow also was with Him, for he is a Galilean.” 60 But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are saying!” Immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 And the Lord turned and
Luke 22:59-62 (NKJV) looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” 62 So Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Creating Godly Sorrow Luke 22:59-62
Creating Godly Sorrow The Bible has clearly stated what God wants from His children Acts 17:30 says He commands all men everywhere to repent II Peter 3:9 tells us He is not willing that any perish, but that all come to repentance
Creating Godly Sorrow Obviously God wants change, but we know that He is not going to force that change God has commissioned us to use His word to try and create Godly sorrow among those who may be lost
Creating Godly Sorrow The question we may ask is, “How do you get someone to feel sorrow for their actions?” Gal. 6:1 – we should seek to restore those who have gone astray How is sorrow produced?
Creating Godly Sorrow The Bible gives us examples of how sorrow is produced in different men I believe it helps us to understand this if we are going to help produce sorrow in the lives of sinners
Creating Godly Sorrow 1. Direct Approach With some who find themselves wrapped in sin, the only thing that will work is a direct approach Even though one may know right from wrong, they may need someone to approach them about their involvement in sin
Creating Godly Sorrow 1. Direct Approach In II Sam. 11, David found himself mired in sin The sad part is that until Nathan came, he seemed just to continue in it, oblivious to what he was doing Nathan tried the direct approach
Creating Godly Sorrow 1. Direct Approach In II Sam. 12, God sent Nathan directly to David to confront him about his sin David knew right from wrong, yet he still needed someone to confront him concerning his sin
Creating Godly Sorrow 1. Direct Approach That’s one reason why the Bible tells us to go directly to the person who may have sinned and “tell him his fault” (Matt. 18:15) Maybe he knows he has sinned, maybe he doesn’t realize it
Creating Godly Sorrow 2. The Look The look is more of showing up to see a person with no words about the sin needed Some may be so tenderhearted about their sin that all they need is to see a fellow Christian who knows about the sin
Creating Godly Sorrow 2. The Look Luke 22:54-62 Here Peter is denying Christ 3 times as predicted V. 61 – “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter…” Peter went out and wept bitterly
Creating Godly Sorrow 3. A Close Call For some, a close call in life can cause them to think seriously about their life An incident that takes place that is significant enough to make someone realize their need for the gospel
Creating Godly Sorrow 3. A Close Call Acts 16:25-34 The Philippian Jailer had an incident in which he nearly lost his life He went from almost sure death to having a “second chance” vs. 29-30
Creating Godly Sorrow 3. A Close Call Some say he had to be “shook up” in order for him to “look up” He knew right who to run to when he asked about salvation That is also a lesson about letting our lights shine
Creating Godly Sorrow 4. Hitting Rock Bottom We also know that there are those who must hit rock bottom before they will change That’s exactly what happened to one particular character in the Bible Luke 15:11-19
Creating Godly Sorrow 4. Hitting Rock Bottom He lost all his money, his friends, there was no food, and he was miles from home Sitting in a pigpen, “he came to himself” He had to hit rock bottom before he realized the need to change